A Few More Friday Updates, A Brand New Jimmy and Comic “Pamphlets”?

I see that the understated, yet quite funny, Jimmy Gardner has redesigned his site. Jimmy Gardner’s Web-O-Vision hosts his various works, including Imryll and some of the work he did for Pure Profit Comics. This brings me much pleasure.

Should we start referring to comic books as “pamphlets”? Whatever pretentious webcomic prick came up with that idea has earned the scorn of our beloved champion of online webcomic drama antics, DJ Coffman. He attacks the whole idea in a recent Yirmumah comic, and rightly so.


Oooh La La, Rainbow Orchid Now Speaks French

Here we have a news announcement from Inkytales about the online adventure strip The Rainbow Orchid:

The first episode of The Rainbow Orchid has been translated into French, thanks to the wonderful efforts of the members of the forum ligneclaire, who approached me about translating the comic last month. To read the translation, click the little flag that appears in the control bar during available strips (currently 1-32).

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Eyeskream, You Scream, We All Scream for … The Ladies!

We received a press release from the good men behind the webcomic collective Eyeskream. Apparently they are looking to fill out their ranks with more female cartoonists. Here’s what they had to say:

Eyeskream Spot Reserved For Woman Creator

On February 14, St. Valentine’s Day, the Eyeskream collective will announce a new member that will fill the spot of a departing member. Continue reading


Zampzon’s After-Holiday Mega Post

Greetings webcomic fanatics! I have returned from my journeys abroad refreshed and ready to continue the Digital Strips mission, bringing quality comic content to the forefront of the web browsing populace.

To kick things off for 2006 I’ve been pouring through the pile of email that gathered while I was away. Here are most of the things that struck me as potentially interesting to our readers. I haven’t finished reading through all of Comixpedia, Websnark, I’m Just Saying, and the rest of my webcomic news trawl, so if I’m late in reporting any of this … tough!

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Absence Making the Heart Grow Fonder

Sorry for the lack of attention recently folks. Both Daku and I are on the road for the next week. Daku is in Europe and I’m in Mexico. I didn’t expect stable web access was going to be so hard to find. I’m actually posting this from a PDA connected to a cell phone.

Anyway, I get beck to Philly next week and then I’ll be heading off to Ireland, so this whole month will be pretty spotty in terms of hearing from me. We’re going to do our best to keep the shows coming out on time. Continue reading


Bureau 13 Joins PixelStrips.com

We’ve discussed on past episodes of the show that there isn’t a whole lot of independent American style super-hero comics on the web. Comedy gag strips, fantasy stories and manga are all prevalent, but on the web the super-hero is a rare breed. Even when super-heroes do appear it’s usually in parody.

A new comic has been added to Pixel Strips and it seeks to tackle the super-hero genre online in some interesting ways. PixelStrips.com, a web-based comic community created by Kevin Volo, Continue reading


Lulu Debuts New Bob The Squirrel Collections

Lulu is quickly becoming the de-facto option for publishing comics to print independently. So many cartoonists have taken advantage of their service this year they could open their own comic book shop. We recently got a press release about two new Bob The Squirrel collections from Frank Page going live on Lulu. Here are all the details.

From the press release: “Cartoonist Frank Page is pleased to announce the release of two new BOB THE SQUIRREL comic strip collections. Continue reading


The Guy That Sold Hogan’s Heroes

Here’s yet another Digital Strips comic. Huzzah! This strip poses a question I’ve often wondered myself, just how in the hell did that show get pitched? I mean, really, think about it. You have a room full of TV execs listening to this idea and then look around at each other and decide it’s a good idea? Would this fly today? Bernie Fein was the guy that created the sitcom and he must have been one silver tongued guy to pull that off. Oh well. Enjoy.


Ctrl+Alt+Del The Animated Series Announced

We got an interesting press release today announcing the upcoming animated series for Ctrl+Alt+Del, the very successful gamer comic by Tim Buckley. The animated series will debut online in February of 2006, consisting of a brand new 4-5 minute animated short every month. All new material, fully animated, featuring professional voice actors. This is a very big move for a webcomic and we can’t wait to see how this turns out.

An online trailer for the upcoming series can be seen here: www.cad-animation.com.

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Webcomic PVP in Full 3D

Readers of the popular webcomic Scott Kurtz’s PVP can find a pretty interesting treat in today’s strip. After a recent request to his readers, Scott received a new 3D logo for his site. The initial logo was a three dimensional computer generated model, but soon after Scott made use of that image another reader, Joseph Kovell, took the concept in a different direction and sent him a logo that was 3D in the old blue and red paper glasses sense. Along with the logo image, Continue reading
