DS Conversation: Brock Heasley

The cover to Paper Bag Mask, a novel by Brock HeasleyJason talks with Superfogeys creator Brock Heasley about his first novel, Paper Bag Mask, the real-world inspirations for that story, the Kickstarter currently wrapping up for the first volume of Superfogeys, and the long, winding road to where that comic is now.


Digital Strips Episode 486: Enforce This Sad, Cruel World

Sample storyboard from David McGuire's portfolio siteWe’ve got the news you can use, and the comics you should view! Superfogeys will be returning soon and David McGuire wants to help creators avoid getting ripped off. Also, Enforcemen is a great start to a story and Lil’ Donnie is a comedic take on a presidency that is getting harder and harder to top in terms of punchlines. Plus, if you use Feedly to sort and view your feeds online, there are some great new tools to help you stay organized (not a sponsored ad).


Digital Strips Episode 472: A Random Wolf At World’s End

A random wolf from DeviantArtHave you kept up with Superfogeys? Then you know that another hiatus is upon us, but worry not, because it should be a shorter one this time! Also, a wolf works customer service (Customer Service Wolf), a girl finds herself burdened (blessed?) with a demon for a shadow (Ushala at World’s End), and a lot of random dark humor (At Random).


Episode 450: Another Milestone, NBD

The stars of Milestone ComicsThis is it, Digital Strippers. The last time we’ll talk about Pokemon Go on this podcast. At length. I think. But for this possible final discussion, Steve admits that he’s the last man on Earth to try the game, while Jason laments the fact that his daughter just doesn’t seem to watch to be the very best, like no one ever was. Once the pocket monsters clear out, it’s time for webcomics! Superfogeys has returned, Arcade Rage is yet another awesome video game comic, VG Cats is still hilarious, and RuinWorld is a fun comic where dungeon things happen (according to Steve). Now drop a lure and catch ’em all!


Episode 406: Out at the Movies!

The cast of Pitch Perfect 2Welcome to our movie podcast! Jason’s intentions for a Happy Father’s Day turned to dust when he was rerouted to the retread that is Pitch Perfect 2. Meanwhile, Steve’s two-month stint with no wife or kids is starting to manifest in some … unhealthy ways. Help him out by listening to discussions about Superfogeys, podcasts, Table Titans, and a nearly forgotten news item that is a must-hear. Turn off your cell phones and then … just turn them back on. We know you didn’t actually turn them off. We’re not monsters.


Episode 398: Go Include Yourself (Horizons Watch feat. Frostblight Saga and Parallax)

Vasectomy Madness from Virginia UrologyIt’s madness, y’all! March, that is. After the guys run down all the hot sports scores, it’s time to get down to what they do best: webcomics. There’s talk about Superfogeys coming back soon, Loading Artist becoming a full-time comic, and quick hits on A Small Revolution and Octopus and Bunny. Finally, a Horizons peek at Frostblight Saga and Parallax. At the buzzer … IT’S GOOD!!!


Digital Strips Episode 230 – Review – Molly and the Bear w/ Guest Co-Host Brock Heasley

We’re kicking off Digital Strips Guest Co-Host Week with a man who needs no introduction, but gets one anyways: Brock Heasley!

Though I do a terrible job of it on the podcast, I will gladly link to all of Brock’s online work, a portfolio that is sure to grow exponentially over the next few years. Watching his depth and creativity emerge since The Superfogeys began has been a joy, one that is now quickly and easily possible through the joy of delivering comics via the Internet.

If you like introspective thoughts behind the creation of a work of art and conversations with those who craft these stories, I hope you will at least be entertained by my attempt. After Thee Oh Sees take us to the break with their guitar-riffin’ romp, “Crack In Your Eye” (23:00), it’s time to get to what Digital Strips does best: a review.

The strip, and yes, it is very much a comic strip, that Brock and I took a look at exudes a timeless feel that is as deceptively simple as it is intelligent in the way it appeals to the kid in all of us.

Comic strips rarely have the life that Molly and the Bear does, but coming from a seasoned professional who has worked on the very best that Pixar (culling from our childhood dreams since Toy Story first dropped into our laps) has to offer, we’d expect nothing less. Truly, the characters in this strip look like they’ve jumped right off of a storyboard sequence for their next animated short.

Along the way, Brock mentions another children’s comic artist that brings incredible life to everything he touches, Mike Kunkel, most specifically his childhood daydream adventure:

It’s interesting having two artists of the visual leaning working on the critique and Brock comes up with some insights which are details that I wouldn’t have given a second thought about. It’s deep, it’s fun, and it’s well worth a listen or two.


The Bomb Has Dropped On The Superfogeys… And Nothing Will Be The Same!

Doomsday is upon us and the end is at hand! Enough with the hype, the big bombshell that Brock Heasley threatened to drop on all of us has finally hit with today’s Superfogeys update and in the context of the comic, it is certainly a big one. As I wrote in my post on Monday, it felt like the title has been spinning its wheels for a while now, and the revelation that smacked everyone across the face after that last panel serves to kick things into high gear, as well as offering a great incentive to go back through and read the archives again. Sly dog, that Mr. Heasley…

Kudos on a great reveal (repetitive panel layout really works to great effect here), and I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t wait to see what comes next!


Tease Turns To Truth In This Thursday’s Superfogeys

As Brock Heasley teased in December of last year, there’s big doin’s in the Superfogeys and this Thursday’s update is gearing up to make good on the promises that have been made. Nothing more I can say other than I’m excited to see what’s in store; the comic, save the regular Superfogeys Origins arcs, has been in neutral for a while now and I’m hopeful that this revelation kicks things back up into high gear! Or as high a gear as retired folks can manage. Read the words straight from Brock himself and get hype! GET HYPE!

If you’ve never read the SuperFogeys or it’s been a while since you have, now’s the time to check it out! Launched in September of 2006, the SuperFogeys has steadily developed into a hilarious and dramatic saga that’s far and away from its gag-a-day roots. Throughout its nearly four-year run, one villain has loomed over the residents of Valhalla-Home for the Supertired more than any other, the Third Man. We now know he’s secretly Dr. Klein, the founder of Valhalla, but what does he want? Who is he, really? And how do Spy Gal, Captain Spectacular, Swifty, Dr. Rocket and all the rest fit into his plans?

Everything has been leading up to the bomb creator Brock Heasley will be dropping on Thursday, August 19th. Early reactions to the revelation (by those lucky few) have varied from “That’s a total mind screw” to “Holy Sh—!” (Okay, so that’s not a lot of variety. Reactions are pretty much the same across the board!)

To celebrate, SuperFogeys will be running four updates August 16th-19th, Monday-Thursday. Then, in the week after that (after everyone’s had a chance to calm down!), seven consecutive daily updates August 23rd-29th, Monday-Sunday.

It’s time to catch back up with SF. What are you waiting for?