DS 629: Crabgrass

From Peanuts to Calvin and Hobbes and with a dash of Foxtrot thrown in, kids in comics have a great new entry in the entertaining space with Tauhid Bondia’s Crabgrass. Kevin and Miles have a strong blood brother’s bond that can’t be broken, which is helpful since teachers, parents, bullies, and siblings are all trying to tear them down. It’s all ages fun that joins some amazing comics about friendship and the stupid things kids do from time to time and is noteworthy all on its own.


Episode 404: Get That PURE Imagination

Whiffle bat costumeIt doesn’t matter how advanced the toys get, the best tool for your imagination is still a great stick from the backyard. Or a whiffle bat, if you’re Steve. Once the guys discuss how much better their childhoods could have been, it’s time to talk about comics! Tauhid Bondia (Goodship Chronicles, Epicsplosion) is working up something new, JL8 is leaving Steve wanting more, Broodhollow‘s 3rd season is off to a … start? And we bid adieu to the melancholy that was A Softer World. It’s raining outside, so let’s stay in and read some comics, okay?


Digital Strips Podcast 332 – Gunnerkrigg Court Book Club: Sixth Edition

Playstation 4, Dual Shock 4, and Playstation Eye 4You make your choice, I’ve already made mine

Whatcha Been Readin’

The News

  • (8:45) Christopher Baldwin asks that you go to Kickstarter for one Spacetrawler update

The Midshow Break

The Feature

All this, plus!

  • Which new console will Steve get? Who cares!
  • Steve lets other people do his capitalism for him
  • People at Zynga have no soul
  • Everyone cool hates bullies, including crazy people in recording studios
  • Steve forgets about the fairies
  • Main characters are bad at naming things
  • The world’s longest raspberry
  • Doom has fanfic?
  • Steve yawns more than a professional podcaster would (or should)
  • Don’t make Coyote go all Jar Jar Binks


  • Steve forgot to put the show’s end theme on his new computer, so we jump straight into some NSFW talk about this and that, all on top of the dulcet tones of “Spanish Jitters” by Daniel Rosenqvist, David Wise, Diggi Dis, Harmony, JJT, Level 99, OA, Robin Beanland, bustatunez, prophetik, zyko from Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble.


Digital Strips Podcast 288 – Review – Epicsplosion

If you need THE highest webcomics authority with regards to the entire lyrical composition of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme as well as the answer to the group what performed Funkytown, then you’ve come to the right podcast! As a bonus for our paid members, we also run down a webcomic news item or two and take a look at a comic.

Ok, since you refuse to pay for it, we talked about some comics …

… and took a brief look at the possible kerfuffle forming on account of Seth MacFarlane’s new talking teddy bear vehicle, Ted, looking and feeling an awful lot like Lucas Turnbloom’s imaginary but still incredibly lewd and crude teddy bear tale, Imagine This (10:42).

Our halftime break conversation about poo (shocker, I know) is accopanied by the frenzied sounds of DaMonz’s Star King (16:13), remixing a classic Star Fox track with bits and pieces from within the game. If you didn’t know, a lot of our break music comes from the fines, hard-working creatives posting their stuff at Overclocked Remix. You are highly encouraged to scope all the wicked remixes based on your favorite video game franchises.

It is with great pleasure and privilege that we are able to bring you another of Tauhid Bondia’s works. Previously, we looked at Goodship Chronicles (23:18, show linked here), and this time, we run through another space-faring adventure, but this time, with a sweet twist.

This comic, featuring the brave, Han Solo-esque Tripp Rougestar, is a Choose Your Own Adventure-type (trademark?) story where you determine what happens to our dashing hero. Want to toss a grenade out of the ship’s hatch, trying to catch the bad guys unawares? Or would you rather send your shrimpy, frumpy sidekick out to clean things up? You make the decisions! And, if you’re like me, you can go back and start over if things don’t work out!

Also, Steve had never heard of “Mark Wahlberg Talk To Animals.” Shame on you if you haven’t, either.


Tauhid Bondia of Good Ship Chronicles Wants ~YOU~ To Choose Your Own Adventure, Webcomics Style

I can’t say it enough: RSS feeds are the best thing to ever happen to the Internet. When you decide to up and end your comic, it’s wise to keep that domain in case you need to notify the public (or at least those that subscribed to your feed) of any new projects you might be working on. That notification will pop up in the audience’s reader (and let’s be honest, who ever deletes anything from their feed?) and BOOM! You’ve got yourself some free press.

Case in point, the criminally short-lived Good Ship Chronicles. Towards the end, creator Tauhid Bondia updated infrequently with blog posts stating that real life, as it always does, was getting in the way again and that he hoped to return someday to the comic. We’ve all heard it before, but that didn’t make it any less painful to endure. So what a pleasant surprise, maybe even a joy, it was to see something from Good Ship in Feedly recently.

Check out the site for yourself (Bondia states that he went live early to try and build up a buzz), but the title is Epicsplosion and the theme is a webcomic-based, Choose Your Own Adventure-style story. This is, by itself, a winning premise, but when paired with the gorgeous visual trappings that are sure to accompany each update (a taste of which can be found on the site now), this is something we’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on.
