DS 611: GOOD PULL for October 15, 2020

It’s time for another sampling of webcomics goodness with our GOOD PULL for October! We’re revisiting dystopia with Ten Earth Shattering Blows, getting a taste of pumpkin spice from bridgedflickered, looking forward to more of Katie Cook’s licensed goodies, taking a quick look at Scape, and enjoy a bounty of Abby Howard’s good works, including a return of The Last Halloween, just in time for the haunted holiday.


DS 527: Nothing Of Note About My Particular Proclivities

A BYU homecoming photo featuring a girl and her tiger date

There were so many great comics in 2018 that we couldn’t keep up with them all! So we’re using the early days and months of 2019 to get caught up, this time checking out the second season of Nothing Special by Katie Cook. What fun and danger have Callie, Declan, and the rest of the gang gotten into since last time? We’re telling you explicitly that in this episode, but you really should check it out for yourself, too.


DS 503: Bubbly And Blobby

Bubble Bobble video gameAfter a brief bit of news about He Is A Good Boy, it gets all adorable and fanciful when we review Katie Cook’s Nothing Special. The guys definitely have conflicting opinions on the look and feel of this cutesy but earnest and emotional comic, but they ultimately agree that the story is worth checking out.


Digital Strips Episode 490: Pretty Girl, Pretty Girl, Hamburger, Comic

Love your grandmotherAfter the guys determine who REALLY loves their grandmother, it’s off to webcomics! Nothing Special goes against it’s title, I’m The Bird Guy reminds us that Instagram isn’t a great comics platform, Protanopia shows promise, and the terrific tag-team of Ehud and Yael are back with some more short story comic goodness.
