DS 503: Bubbly And Blobby

Bubble Bobble video gameAfter a brief bit of news about He Is A Good Boy, it gets all adorable and fanciful when we review Katie Cook’s Nothing Special. The guys definitely have conflicting opinions on the look and feel of this cutesy but earnest and emotional comic, but they ultimately agree that the story is worth checking out.


Episode 411: Spaghetti or Walker?

Boromir knows how to cook spaghettiWe start with one of the most prominent mobile game releases in recent memory and end up discussing the consistency of various types of pasta. Don’t worry, while talking about comics in the second segment, we coin the term “Skeletor’s balls” thanks to Wicked Crispy. It’s also time to take a look at ANOTHER KC Green joint, and Ryan Estrada just can’t stop doing things, either, so we have a look at his latest project. All that, plus, our memories of the late “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. Stay tuned after the outro to feel the pain of being a nerdy know-it-all at the public library.
