Tauhid Bondia of Good Ship Chronicles Wants ~YOU~ To Choose Your Own Adventure, Webcomics Style

I can’t say it enough: RSS feeds are the best thing to ever happen to the Internet. When you decide to up and end your comic, it’s wise to keep that domain in case you need to notify the public (or at least those that subscribed to your feed) of any new projects you might be working on. That notification will pop up in the audience’s reader (and let’s be honest, who ever deletes anything from their feed?) and BOOM! You’ve got yourself some free press.

Case in point, the criminally short-lived Good Ship Chronicles. Towards the end, creator Tauhid Bondia updated infrequently with blog posts stating that real life, as it always does, was getting in the way again and that he hoped to return someday to the comic. We’ve all heard it before, but that didn’t make it any less painful to endure. So what a pleasant surprise, maybe even a joy, it was to see something from Good Ship in Feedly recently.

Check out the site for yourself (Bondia states that he went live early to try and build up a buzz), but the title is Epicsplosion and the theme is a webcomic-based, Choose Your Own Adventure-style story. This is, by itself, a winning premise, but when paired with the gorgeous visual trappings that are sure to accompany each update (a taste of which can be found on the site now), this is something we’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on.
