Digital Strips 211 – Book Club: Templar Arizona Ep 1

Whew boy, what to say about this one? The fun thing about book clubs is that they force you to read something you normally wouldn’t. They’re like English Class for grownups. The same thing is true of our own book club. There is no way I would have read Templar Arizona if it weren’t for this show. It’s too serious, too real, too slow and too brown. It’s hard for something like this to compete for my disordered attention span when there’s stuff like Omake Theater.

Still I’m glad Jason made me read the first 100 pages of TempAz. I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I want out of comics and how that isn’t always what’s best for me. If that sentence didn’t make much sense, check out the show and see if that helps. How’s that for a teaser?

And how as these for Show Notes:
tall tale radio
Web comic overlook
Order of the Stick
Hello with Cheese


Tweet Thread of the Day For Saturday, August 28, 2010

No better way to bring back some TTotD than with a short but sweet entry from one Mr. Scott Kurtz. In this case, a picture is absolutely worth a thousand words:

pvponline 12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Can’t explain why I’m getting chills just seeing that shiny award in some deserving hands, but it’s certainly been a long, hard road for the creator of PvP and that prize could not be more deserved. Congrats to Scott on the win; with that in his hands and ringing in another year as host of the Harvey Awards ceremony, this may just be the best weekend of his life.


NEWW 2 (New England Webcomics Weekend, Numero Dos) Is Coming!

Having enthusiastically attended last year’s NEWW, I can wholeheartedly recommend you join everyone else in webcomics in buying your ticket to this year’s event, being held in Easthampton, MA the weekend of November 6th. Wanna know the official details? Then read on!

In order to attend NEWW 2, you will need to have a ticket. Buying tickets online will guarantee that you’re a part of this event, even if we fill to capacity. Tickets will go on sale this Thursday, August 26th, at 12:00 PM EST. You’ll be able to grab a weekend pass, an individual day pass, or a special VIP Pass which will include some exclusive goodies. See you then!


Digital Strips 210 – Review Bullfinch

There are a few advantages to being as dumb as I am. No one asks you to create an equation that will quantify the universe. The ending to mystery shows is always a surprise. And you’re wrong so often that you have so much practice admitting you’re wrong that it becomes really easy.

And that’s what this episode is. Steve “The Geek” Shinney admitting that he was wrong about a comic. They say you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, which is stupid, that’s why they have the picture on the cover so you can judge it. If a book has a dragon and a barbarian chick in a chain main bikini on the cover, I judge that I’m going to like it. You should not however judge a Web comic by it’s first hundred strips. That’s the lesson I’m trying to expound on here.

The comic we look at is Bullfinch, by TL Collins. It’s gone through many changes, from gag-a-day to long form story, from black and white to full color and from boring to really good. Come along and we’ll explain what happened and why we were so excited that it did.

Show Notes:
Rip Haywire
Calvin and Hobbes search engine
Cyanide and Happiness
Pictures for Sad Children
Realm of Atland
Penny Arcade
First Rape Strip
The Second
Web comic overlook
CAD Review
Red’s Planet
Templar Arizona


Small Press Brings Us The Ignatz Award Nominees And They Are… Weird

But not necessarily weird in a, “Ew! Mommy, why doesn’t that man have any ears?” but more of an indie, weird-just-to-be-different way. Just like the bizarre-sounding name would have you presupposing, the Ignatz nominees are an all over the place bunch, ranging from cute and quaint to, “Hey, the Far Side was funny, let’s see what it looks like when drawn horribly and with less humor!” (that would be Callahan Online, by the way).

All the others look to have promise in one way or another, even if most of their archives are much too shallow to offer enough material to even review, let alone reward. Still, I’ll see if I can’t convince Steve to take a closer look at them all in an upcoming podcast. The full list, with links, can be found after the break.


Buffy’s Xander Latest Celeb To Try Hand At Webcomic Biz

As reported by Lauren Davis over at Storming the Tower, Nicholas Brendan, more famously known to the rest of the geek world as Xander from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, is looking to launch a new webcomic, Very Bad Koalas, later this year. Davis also notes in her post that another Buffy alum, Emma Caulfield (Anya), has also gotten into the webcomics pool, which just leaves me to wonder who will be the first to soil the waters and force everyone to scramble for the shallow end (Davis refers to Caulfield’s Contropussy as “thinly amusing” while I have yet to read it).

Having lost control of that analogy, I leave you with the teaser image and placeholder website.

Xander Harris Makes a Webcomic (Storming the Tower, Lauren Davis)


The Bomb Has Dropped On The Superfogeys… And Nothing Will Be The Same!

Doomsday is upon us and the end is at hand! Enough with the hype, the big bombshell that Brock Heasley threatened to drop on all of us has finally hit with today’s Superfogeys update and in the context of the comic, it is certainly a big one. As I wrote in my post on Monday, it felt like the title has been spinning its wheels for a while now, and the revelation that smacked everyone across the face after that last panel serves to kick things into high gear, as well as offering a great incentive to go back through and read the archives again. Sly dog, that Mr. Heasley…

Kudos on a great reveal (repetitive panel layout really works to great effect here), and I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t wait to see what comes next!


Digital Strips 209 – Review: Strewth!

Subtitle: The Strewth about StarCraft II.

So it is show time again, and that means we’re looking at comics with a fine toothed comb. Or something like that. I’m not really sure what show time means exactly. I just know that it means I get to read a comic and my wife can’t yell at me.

This time around the Internet block, we take a look at Strewth! a comic by Josh Way, the creator of Chronicle, a comic we reviewed a couple years back. It’s always awesome to see when people take on new projects, especially in this case where the two works could almost not be more different. From the story based world of small town newspaper to the random, spastic world of doing whatever comes to mind. That’s the kind of transition we’re talking about here.

Through out the show we talk a lot about the nature of these more random, no central characters/story line gag-a-day strips. How they are different than the standard fare and the challenges that creators face. In the actual show I end up saying that the lack of theme didn’t effect my enjoyment of the comic, but as I listened again, thought about it more and read more of other comics, it started to more of an issue in my mind. I’m only recanting that line though, everything else I said I still mean/meant.

Direct Download

Anyway, enough yammering, let’s make with the:

Show Notes

I suck at Starcraft II
chronicle review
Imagine This
Count your sheep
Chainsaw Suit


Tease Turns To Truth In This Thursday’s Superfogeys

As Brock Heasley teased in December of last year, there’s big doin’s in the Superfogeys and this Thursday’s update is gearing up to make good on the promises that have been made. Nothing more I can say other than I’m excited to see what’s in store; the comic, save the regular Superfogeys Origins arcs, has been in neutral for a while now and I’m hopeful that this revelation kicks things back up into high gear! Or as high a gear as retired folks can manage. Read the words straight from Brock himself and get hype! GET HYPE!

If you’ve never read the SuperFogeys or it’s been a while since you have, now’s the time to check it out! Launched in September of 2006, the SuperFogeys has steadily developed into a hilarious and dramatic saga that’s far and away from its gag-a-day roots. Throughout its nearly four-year run, one villain has loomed over the residents of Valhalla-Home for the Supertired more than any other, the Third Man. We now know he’s secretly Dr. Klein, the founder of Valhalla, but what does he want? Who is he, really? And how do Spy Gal, Captain Spectacular, Swifty, Dr. Rocket and all the rest fit into his plans?

Everything has been leading up to the bomb creator Brock Heasley will be dropping on Thursday, August 19th. Early reactions to the revelation (by those lucky few) have varied from “That’s a total mind screw” to “Holy Sh—!” (Okay, so that’s not a lot of variety. Reactions are pretty much the same across the board!)

To celebrate, SuperFogeys will be running four updates August 16th-19th, Monday-Thursday. Then, in the week after that (after everyone’s had a chance to calm down!), seven consecutive daily updates August 23rd-29th, Monday-Sunday.

It’s time to catch back up with SF. What are you waiting for?