DS 669: Berkeley Mews

An assortment of Battle Beasts toys

Did you know that Scott Kurtz has even more PvP-related news to share, this time involving the return of the pre-time jump gang we all know and love (which includes Skull the Troll, not Troll the Troll, as Jason realized after the fact)? After we run that down, it’s time to click, laugh, and share in equal measure with the comic strip joy that is Berkeley Mews. Share your favorite strip with us!


DS 659: Frankie Fearless

Peter Griffin from Family Guy talks on the local news about what Grinds His Gears

This episode is full of non-standard and more modern ways of reading comics. We check in on Evan Dahm’s first foray into Webtoons with his reposting of Vattu, DC Comics’ first Webtoon in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, and Scott Kurtz gets a double exposure as we look at his short collaboration on Superman with Karl Kerschl as well as the comic that has temporarily taken the place of PvP, the cathartic Mort. Even after all of that, we still have time to get weird and geeky with Frankie Fearless, available only on Tinyview!


DS 521: The C-Dub-iverse

Tom Welling and Erica Durance of SmallvilleAfter giving their thoughts on the PvP collection currently on Kickstarter, the guys take another look at Madeline Rupert Jaspering’s Sakana, a comic DS first took a look at back in 2012. What’s changed? What’s the same? Is it still as fun and character-rich as it was back then? Listen in to this first part of that return to Sakana to find out!


The Big 500 – Thirteen Years talking *to* Webcomics (Part 1)

Last time on the blog, we took a retrospective look at some of the people who’ve helmed the fair ship Digital Strips as it sailed the still-virgin waters of 2005 internet radio and beyond. But those stalwart few aren’t the only voices who’ve been heard on the podcast – in fact, a wide variety of people and perspectives on the Webcomic world have graced this digital stage. If you’re a relatively new listener, you might not be familiar with the proud lineage of the Digital Strips creator interviews, as they more or less came to a close in 2009 – therefore, this week we’re looking back on some of the Digital Strips interview alumni and seeing where those creators are today. Continue reading


Dungeons and Dragons and Webcomics (Part 4)

We’ve spent the last few weeks getting to know a little more about the Dungeons and Dragons franchise. Its beginnings, the way its popularity and infamy grew in western culture, and the influence it had on a selection of creators in both the fiction-writing and webcomic worlds. For the finale of this series we’re bringing it back to webcomics in a big way, by pulling together a thematic overview of webcomics based on the property itself, and seeing where these influences are present in action. Continue reading


Digital Strips Podcast 251 – Harvey Nominees 2011

This is the ChromebookWhat up guys, I’ve been having computer problems all morning, which is a lame reason for a lame show write up but hey, what can I say, Jason is totally lame.

This week, we do our annual look at the Harvey nominations for best online comic. As much as I piss and moan about how big timey awards don’t get webcomics, I do think they’re starting to, and I’m super glad they’re at least trying. This year’s list is certainly not what I would have picked, but it’s a good one and it gives us a lot to talk about.

We start by talking about how hot it is in various places and why Jason can’t play games. We then get into how Steve may buy a Chromebook which gets Steve talking about his latest love Fumbbl and invites you all to kick his butt at playing a pretend sport with pretend types of people.

The music for both breaks this time is “You Are My Sunshine” by Reflector.

News is pretty limited this time around. We talk about Chickenhare’s (7:00) possible animation deal and Steve’s definite racism towards ogres is revealed. The only other news is a blip about Hello with Cheese (9:00), Lars deSouza, Jamie Noguchi are making a board game which gets us off topic onto bored games and somehow to another podcast of Jason’s recommendation, Totally Rad Show (9:45)

Talking about other podcasts gets us thinking about a throw down we had weeks ago so we finally get into the Day[9] vs Giant Bomb discussion and other podcasts we like, such as Filmsack.

Harvey talk starts at 19:30, I’ll just list the comics nominated since we jump back and forth between them a lot:

Guns of Shadow Valley
Hark! a Vagrant
LaMorte Sisters

Bonus points if anyone can find the point where the friggin chickadee started chirping out side my window.


Tweet Thread of the Day For Saturday, August 28, 2010

No better way to bring back some TTotD than with a short but sweet entry from one Mr. Scott Kurtz. In this case, a picture is absolutely worth a thousand words:

pvponline http://yfrog.com/nbziahj 12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Can’t explain why I’m getting chills just seeing that shiny award in some deserving hands, but it’s certainly been a long, hard road for the creator of PvP and that prize could not be more deserved. Congrats to Scott on the win; with that in his hands and ringing in another year as host of the Harvey Awards ceremony, this may just be the best weekend of his life.
