Small Press Brings Us The Ignatz Award Nominees And They Are… Weird

But not necessarily weird in a, “Ew! Mommy, why doesn’t that man have any ears?” but more of an indie, weird-just-to-be-different way. Just like the bizarre-sounding name would have you presupposing, the Ignatz nominees are an all over the place bunch, ranging from cute and quaint to, “Hey, the Far Side was funny, let’s see what it looks like when drawn horribly and with less humor!” (that would be Callahan Online, by the way).

All the others look to have promise in one way or another, even if most of their archives are much too shallow to offer enough material to even review, let alone reward. Still, I’ll see if I can’t convince Steve to take a closer look at them all in an upcoming podcast. The full list, with links, can be found after the break.


Buffy’s Xander Latest Celeb To Try Hand At Webcomic Biz

As reported by Lauren Davis over at Storming the Tower, Nicholas Brendan, more famously known to the rest of the geek world as Xander from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, is looking to launch a new webcomic, Very Bad Koalas, later this year. Davis also notes in her post that another Buffy alum, Emma Caulfield (Anya), has also gotten into the webcomics pool, which just leaves me to wonder who will be the first to soil the waters and force everyone to scramble for the shallow end (Davis refers to Caulfield’s Contropussy as “thinly amusing” while I have yet to read it).

Having lost control of that analogy, I leave you with the teaser image and placeholder website.

Xander Harris Makes a Webcomic (Storming the Tower, Lauren Davis)


The Bomb Has Dropped On The Superfogeys… And Nothing Will Be The Same!

Doomsday is upon us and the end is at hand! Enough with the hype, the big bombshell that Brock Heasley threatened to drop on all of us has finally hit with today’s Superfogeys update and in the context of the comic, it is certainly a big one. As I wrote in my post on Monday, it felt like the title has been spinning its wheels for a while now, and the revelation that smacked everyone across the face after that last panel serves to kick things into high gear, as well as offering a great incentive to go back through and read the archives again. Sly dog, that Mr. Heasley…

Kudos on a great reveal (repetitive panel layout really works to great effect here), and I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t wait to see what comes next!


Tease Turns To Truth In This Thursday’s Superfogeys

As Brock Heasley teased in December of last year, there’s big doin’s in the Superfogeys and this Thursday’s update is gearing up to make good on the promises that have been made. Nothing more I can say other than I’m excited to see what’s in store; the comic, save the regular Superfogeys Origins arcs, has been in neutral for a while now and I’m hopeful that this revelation kicks things back up into high gear! Or as high a gear as retired folks can manage. Read the words straight from Brock himself and get hype! GET HYPE!

If you’ve never read the SuperFogeys or it’s been a while since you have, now’s the time to check it out! Launched in September of 2006, the SuperFogeys has steadily developed into a hilarious and dramatic saga that’s far and away from its gag-a-day roots. Throughout its nearly four-year run, one villain has loomed over the residents of Valhalla-Home for the Supertired more than any other, the Third Man. We now know he’s secretly Dr. Klein, the founder of Valhalla, but what does he want? Who is he, really? And how do Spy Gal, Captain Spectacular, Swifty, Dr. Rocket and all the rest fit into his plans?

Everything has been leading up to the bomb creator Brock Heasley will be dropping on Thursday, August 19th. Early reactions to the revelation (by those lucky few) have varied from “That’s a total mind screw” to “Holy Sh—!” (Okay, so that’s not a lot of variety. Reactions are pretty much the same across the board!)

To celebrate, SuperFogeys will be running four updates August 16th-19th, Monday-Thursday. Then, in the week after that (after everyone’s had a chance to calm down!), seven consecutive daily updates August 23rd-29th, Monday-Sunday.

It’s time to catch back up with SF. What are you waiting for?

CALL FOR GUEST STRIPS! Featuring Wes Molebash (Max vs. Max)

Guest strips are great for so many different reasons:

  1. They can help get an unknown creator more, much-needed exposure
  2. They provide us with different takes on characters we know and love
  3. They give the creator in charge a chance to step back and take a vacation, knowing their beloved comic is in good hands

Ok, so only three reasons, but they’re all really good ones. And they all apply to Wes Molebash, who would like to build up a buffer of guest comics for his latest work, Max. vs. Max. Here are the official details of the deal from Wes himself:

I’ve recently received a couple guest strips from some Max vs. Max readers, and I thought it might be a good idea to put out a call for guest strips that I can use for a rainy day (or rainy week).  So if you’d like to draw a guest strip for Max vs. Max and earn some free promotion on my site, here’s what you gotta do: Send your guest strips to me at wes (at) maxvsmax (dot) com and use Guest Strip Submission as the subject.  If you do not use Guest Strip Submission as the subject, then it is likely your submission will get buried in my inbox never to be seen again.

Save your comics as .PNG or .GIF files and make sure they are 980 pixels wide.  I don’t care how tall they are.  They can be black-and-white, color, grayscale . . . whatever.  Draw my comic the way YOU would draw my comic.

I don’t really care what you write about or what characters you feature.  I do ask that you keep it fairly clean (PG or PG-13).

I’m not sure when these strips will run.  They may get published at the end of the month during my wedding week, or I may save them for a later date.  You may want to keep that in mind during your writing process.

Please include any links and pertinent information about your blog/comic strip/website in the body of your email.  I want to send you some link love for helping me out, and I won’t be able to do that if you don’t give me a URL.

So send ’em in and help a brother out! If you have any questions, leave ’em in the comments and Wes will personally respond to your burning queries.


GOOD NEWS: Evan Dahm Continues To Do More Things

With Order of Tales wrapped and ready to be immortalized in print form for all eternity, fans of the master of all things epic and eccentric wondered when they might next see his work gracing the pages of their Internets. Thankfully, Dahm is taking no time off and his next tale from Overside, Vattu, has already begun. The archive is only seven pages deep thus far, so get in while its young and for heaven’s sake, if you haven’t read the previous works, get to that right now!

Not only is Dahm not stopping, he’s teaming up with Templar, AZ‘s Spike (the subject of our next Book Club, by the way) to create a Tumblr page dedicated to whatever the heck they might come up with together. I fully expect bizarre, hauntingly beautiful images from this thing daily, people, so bookmark it for your daily fix of the mythic and macabre.


Tweet Thread of the Day ~FOR~ Wednesday, July 28, 2010

After a well-deserved, battery-recharging vacation, TTotD is back! And what better way to get back into it than to talk about the death of webcomics! …Wait, what? Seems Joey Manley (as well as others around Twitter who have since escaped my Following gaze) is curious about the current state of webcomics, even going as far as to ask whether or not the medium (or genre, not sure what classification we’re using this week) has run its course.

We chatted about this on the podcast we recorded last night (which will be in your ears next Monday) so I figured it was well worth a post, especially since the thread is a contribution from Scott Kurtz.

pvponline Remember Joey Manley? He still apparently has opinions. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac

Apparently Joey Manley still has LOTS of opinions. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac

the iPhone needed a dedicated reader app. Pull out the strip, make it as big as possible. But the iPad? Man, safari on that thing is great. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac

I don’t see a reason for most webcomics to pursue an iPad app when their websites are already f***ing gorgeous on that thing. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac


Synaptic Digital, Reviews, 3000, and Help

It’s been a whirlwind of a few weeks with a lot happening offline. It’s so busy I’m falling behind on the strip in our adventures. Maybe I’ll finally have some time this next weekend? On to the news!

Found this little tid bit about Kurtz creating two exclusive animations for Picross 3D, to highlight it’s fun and unique game-play. Nintendo worked with Scott Kurtz to use Flipnote Studio, a free application for drawing a series of images using the Nintendo DSi touch screen to create custom animations.

Next are some reviews. Since I’ve been out of it for a couple of months I feel like hearing news about Awkward Zombie is like hearing about an old friend. That’s why I enjoyed coming across this review of it by Spwug. Ok, it’s not so much a review as gushing praise but it does piont out some good parts. Another entry in TWO’s One Punch Reviews is a mention of the The Intrepid Girlbot. There’s just enough information given to make me click on links, especially since it’s been so long since I found a good dialogue free comic.

Sheldon reached 3000, Huzzah! Yeah, there’s no way I would even dream of creating a comic to last that long. DSA is slated to last 5 seasons (albiet at it’s current pacing that would take 10 years) so I can image about as far as a 1000.

Then there was a whole bunch of helpful little posts around the interweb about how to make a webcomic or just what not to do. Forgive me if I don’t read them because at this point the formula is pretty much laid and all you have to do is follow it.


Tauhid Bondia of Good Ship Chronicles Wants ~YOU~ To Choose Your Own Adventure, Webcomics Style

I can’t say it enough: RSS feeds are the best thing to ever happen to the Internet. When you decide to up and end your comic, it’s wise to keep that domain in case you need to notify the public (or at least those that subscribed to your feed) of any new projects you might be working on. That notification will pop up in the audience’s reader (and let’s be honest, who ever deletes anything from their feed?) and BOOM! You’ve got yourself some free press.

Case in point, the criminally short-lived Good Ship Chronicles. Towards the end, creator Tauhid Bondia updated infrequently with blog posts stating that real life, as it always does, was getting in the way again and that he hoped to return someday to the comic. We’ve all heard it before, but that didn’t make it any less painful to endure. So what a pleasant surprise, maybe even a joy, it was to see something from Good Ship in Feedly recently.

Check out the site for yourself (Bondia states that he went live early to try and build up a buzz), but the title is Epicsplosion and the theme is a webcomic-based, Choose Your Own Adventure-style story. This is, by itself, a winning premise, but when paired with the gorgeous visual trappings that are sure to accompany each update (a taste of which can be found on the site now), this is something we’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on.
