After a well-deserved, battery-recharging vacation, TTotD is back! And what better way to get back into it than to talk about the death of webcomics! …Wait, what? Seems Joey Manley (as well as others around Twitter who have since escaped my Following gaze) is curious about the current state of webcomics, even going as far as to ask whether or not the medium (or genre, not sure what classification we’re using this week) has run its course.
We chatted about this on the podcast we recorded last night (which will be in your ears next Monday) so I figured it was well worth a post, especially since the thread is a contribution from Scott Kurtz.
pvponline Remember Joey Manley? He still apparently has opinions. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac
Apparently Joey Manley still has LOTS of opinions. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac
the iPhone needed a dedicated reader app. Pull out the strip, make it as big as possible. But the iPad? Man, safari on that thing is great. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac
I don’t see a reason for most webcomics to pursue an iPad app when their websites are already f***ing gorgeous on that thing. about 9 hours ago via Tweetie for Mac