WLWC 2007 Week 2

We’re moving into our second week of the contest and the prizes just keep coming in. I didn’t make it home to see everything but I did get visual confirmation of at least two books. The third book was added over the weekend while I was at NYCC. So here’s three more print books for you to drool over:
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The Nicest Guy In Web Comics

There are a few people I respect and even less that I admire. Ryan Estrada is someone who impresses me. It’s not hard to figure out why considering everything he has done over the past five years and of course you ask why not do it yourself. Easy, no one else has the motivation or drive to complete a 168 hour comic, much less hop from job to job around the world. What’s he doing now? Well he’s an American doing customer service support in India. Yeah, I laughed for 15 minutes as well but he’s topping it off with two weeks of exploring which he is calling Ryan Estrada: Expeditions!

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Brinkerhoff Celebrates 300th Strip! ~AND~ Exclusive Interview With Creator Gabe Strine On First Issue of Brinkerhoff Comic Book

Sure, the majority of the gang is off livin’ it up in NYC at the Comic Con, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us sit around the office and wait for something to happen. Heck no! And when one of my personal favorite strips, Brinkerhoff, announces the printing of the first ever comic book starring the embittered bunny of the same name, why, it’s time to track down the man responsible for the darkened humor every weekday and ask him a few questions about the huge achievement.

Of course, it was only a few days ago that Brink celebrated 300 strips on these Internets, so what better time to share with you Strine’s own views on the Brinkerhoff comic book:

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Elfquest creator Pini to do webcomic

Go! Comi is well known to manga fans as publisher of a handful of carefully selected, beautifully printed manga from Japan. Wendy Pini is known as the creator of Elfquest, one of the first manga-influenced comics by a non-Japanese creator.

At the New York Comic-Con, Go! Comi announced that Pini would be creating a three-volume, full color manga, The Masque of the Red Death, based on the Edgar Allen Poe story of the same name—but only loosely. Pini has set the story in the future and created new characters while keeping the spirit of the Poe's original idea.

So why is this on Digital Strips? Because Go! Comi will be releasing The Masque of the Red Death as a webcomic, updating with three pages a week, before publishing the print volumes. Daku and I talked to Pini and to Go! Comi CEO David Wise and Creative Director Audry Taylor about the story and why they decided to take it to the web.

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DS 109: Review of Gunnerkrigg Court

Digital Strips Show 109
Digital Strips : Show 109
[8.36 MB]
This is big week for us. We’re getting ready for our biggest presence at a Con yet with Phil, Brandon, Brigid, and myself all in attendance. There’s also the start of our third annual We Love Web Comics contest and some choice words for WCCA. I don’t like being annoyed and you’ll shocked by how I rebound. All this big news items can only be followed up by surprise recommendation from Barry Gregory. A truely unique strip that always amazes. Join us as we explore the halls of Gunnerkrigg Court.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell
  • New York Comic Con
  • 2007 Web Cartoonist’s Choice Awards presented by Ryan Estrada
  • We Love Web Comics 2007
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    We Love Web Comics 2007!

    It’s that time of year again. We’re not talking about Single’s Appreciation Day but the annual We Love Web Comics contest. The past two years have been successes and this year promises to be even bigger. What is the WLWC contest? It’s our love letter to the rest of the web comic world. Digital Strips is here to promote and cultivate what is good in the medium and we can think of on better of giving back to you then a contest where the prize if all your print material as the prize. Enough gushing and on with the contest!


    Brad Guigar Is Better Than You

    On 2/14/2007, as you sipped cheap wine and attempted to woo whatever brave soul would accept your softly-squeaked dinner invitation, Brad Guigar lifted his head from the inkmines and celebrated a momentous occasion. It was 7 years prior, in the bright, sunny days of twenty-ought that Mr. Guigar began Greystone Inn, a comic strip. Greystone Inn soldiered on with its six-day-a-week update schedule for five years, four months, and seven days before exploding into virtual non-existence at the hands of its own creator. From these intentional ashes rose the corporate-savvy phoenix that was Evil, Inc. the very day after Greystone fell. Evil, Inc. has been Incking Evilly six days a week since.
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    Changes afoot at Seven Seas

    In the beginning, Seven Seas published global (i.e. non-Japanese) manga, and they started out with a nice set of titles with a similar feel: adventure stories with a dose of cuteness, all suitable for the tween/teen market.

    In the past year they have also started licensing some really interesting Japanese properties, but the global manga are still a big part of the mix, and their website always features four global web manga that are eventually released in print as well. The web comics are strictly line art, while the books feature fully toned comics as well as quite a few extras. Plus they take the web manga off the site eventually.

    Some changes are in the works at the moment, so this is probably a good time to drop by and check it out. Continue reading


    All Those in Favor of a Poop Joke, Say “Aye”

    I think by now it's clear that I love audience participation in Web comics. Well David Morgan-Mar of Irregular Webcomics is taking it further than I very thought possible. The project is Infinity on 30 Credits a Day and it's suppose to be a totally community driven Web comic.

    People are invited to register and join the team. They can offer characters, dialogue, art or Web site skills. Somehow, through a series of votes they hope to create an epic sci-fi story. Right now they have just finished selecting the main character from a list of 12 possibilities. They're now moving on to selecting the art direction for these characters.
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