Brad Guigar Is Better Than You

On 2/14/2007, as you sipped cheap wine and attempted to woo whatever brave soul would accept your softly-squeaked dinner invitation, Brad Guigar lifted his head from the inkmines and celebrated a momentous occasion. It was 7 years prior, in the bright, sunny days of twenty-ought that Mr. Guigar began Greystone Inn, a comic strip. Greystone Inn soldiered on with its six-day-a-week update schedule for five years, four months, and seven days before exploding into virtual non-existence at the hands of its own creator. From these intentional ashes rose the corporate-savvy phoenix that was Evil, Inc. the very day after Greystone fell. Evil, Inc. has been Incking Evilly six days a week since.
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All-Ages Means Everybody! Lunchbox Funnies has arrived!

Remember when you were a kid and you had a lunchbox that, instead of food, you'd fill with loose toys, scraps of fun, and things you treasured? You'd carry that silly lunchbox all over the place, setting it down to occasionally examine its contents, then securely clack the latches shut. If you weren't that kid, you knew that kid (and if you didn’t, stop ruining my analogy and play along). I feel like that kid all over again.

The newest online comic collective on the block is Lunchbox Funnies, launching with the slogan 'All-Ages Comics for Everyone!' The line-up is incredible, featuring some of the best all-ages strips on the Internet. This, of course, doesn't mean that only children and people of diminished mental capacity can visit and fall in love with Lunchbox Funnies. I myself was already reading several of these strips before now and I is real smart.

The funtastic gang is composed of the following:

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Congratulations to Eric Burns and Wednesday White

Eric Burns, flexing his Websnark muscle, got a collection of his favorite cartoonists to put together a 17-part epic in which he asked collaborator, cohort, and companion Wednesday White to marry him. “Oh. By the by?” he added to his post later in the day, “She said yes.”

This isn’t the first time the comics medium has been utilized for a wedding proposal. Mike from Penny Arcade did it, the Dave and Raina story is that of legend, and even Rob Liefeld did it in an issue of Youngblood. But each time I’ve seen something like this occur, there’s been a twist. Continue reading


Flying Monkeys ACTUALLY Flying!

Flying Monkey Comics, the quirky lovechild parented by Simon Perrins and Andrew Livesey, has abandoned the static realms currently occupied by their print and online comic offerings. No longer shall each of their characters (zombies, aliens, women, etc.) lay flat upon the paper or without tickling the glittering components of a reader's monitor.

Along with a website revamp to ring in the new year, the FMC Crew has provided a moving, noise-making trailer to entice you the unwitting reader into enjoying their wares. Continue reading
