Flying Monkey Comics, the quirky lovechild parented by Simon Perrins and Andrew Livesey, has abandoned the static realms currently occupied by their print and online comic offerings. No longer shall each of their characters (zombies, aliens, women, etc.) lay flat upon the paper or without tickling the glittering components of a reader's monitor.
Along with a website revamp to ring in the new year, the FMC Crew has provided a moving, noise-making trailer to entice you the unwitting reader into enjoying their wares. According to the website itself, the trailer 'moves and everything', a piece of promotion that may feel like hyperbole but that I can attest to being a true statement, as I saw it move with these very eyes. I can only assume the 'everything' to which they refer included the excitement and feelings of fun generated by the experience.
It really is a nice introduction to Flying Monkey Comics and well worth checking out. If you believe me and want to check it out, point your browsing apparatus here and enjoy.
Flying Monkey Comics went live this May past and intends to continue providing the Internet with free content until the artist is physically unable to pick up a drawing tool of any kind. There's no real claim like this on the site, but I'd like to believe that it's true.