DS 108: Review of Raymondo Person

Digital Strips Show 108
Digital Strips : Show 108
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Yesterday was Single’s appreciation day and what better to celebrate it then a webcomic that has explosive bowel movements? You can probably tell this was not a favorite of mine but both Brandon and Phil liked it although Phil never speaks up. Everyone send Phil a e-card to cheer him up.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Raymondo Person by Patrick Alexander
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    Every Shade From Alpha to Omega

    Sometimes I wonder why Joseph and Christopher put up with me for so long. Since the beginning they’ve sent us a constant stream of swag and there’s very few things that make me smile more. You can imagine how happy I was to get the second chapter to Alpha-shade in the mail. The first book was pure art and I had no complaints. If you’ve been keeping along with the story you know that the whole story is unwrapping like the storyboard to a movie. The previous book was full of action, creatures, and high-tech. We were introduced to the world that is ruled by the Great Northern and Southern Empires in an explosion of chaos where everything seems to be on the brink of complete collapse.

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    On V-Day, You Can be Cliche

    It's Valentines Day and I'm an insensitive jerk so rather than write an emotional, sensitive love letter to my wife, I'm going to write one to Web comics. I just hope she doesn't check this site for a while.

    Dear Web comics,

    It's The Geek again. You haven't written or called me back yet? I know I spend too much time staring at you. It's only because you're so beautiful. I'm sure you find that a little creepy. It's my own fault, I'm willing to change it you give me a chance. Please write me back, let me know you still care.

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    It pays to give stuff away

    Well, Daku is right about Free Comics Book Day being about advertising, not charity. Every marketer knows that free samples are the best way to get the public to check out your product.

    Still, there’s something counterintuitive about making more by charging less, so I was intrigued by this interview with Phil Foglio, the creator (with his wife Kaja) of Girl Genius, who claims he’s doing better than ever since he shifted over to a webcomics model. Foglio says his earnings have increased, even though the webcomic, and the online versions of his older print comics, are all free.

    This came about partly because he was spared the expense of pamphlet comics; he still publishes Girl Genius in print, Continue reading


    Is Charity the Best Form of Advertising?

    I’m going to admit right up front that I don’t know much about this holiday. I’ve experienced it twice before but never truly participated. Why? For some reason I’ve never understood charity when it’s a form of advertising. What holiday do I speak of? None other then Free Comic Book Day. Now before you go off and write about how much of a scrooge I am let me finish the rest of this article.

    I love free. When I go to the grocery store I take the free food. When I’m at the mall food court I always walk by those kids standing Continue reading


    DSL 1: Review of Order of the Sitck

    Hey gang. Special thanks to Scott Kurtz, Lee Cherolis, Mike Laidman, Peter Venables and everyone else who popped by for the livecast last night. Much fun was had by all. The recorded episode is now available for download here. Just click the download icon under “Past episodes.”

    Next one will be March 7th, at 9:15PM Eastern (9:15, so those of you who want to call in using free minutes on their phones can do so). We’ll be discussing Achewood, much to Daku’s dismay. And for me, the challenge will lie in attempting to explain why I like it (because I love it, but can’t explain why). Should be a good show, so tune in next time.


    I’m with (Anti-)Cupid

    If the mere thought of Valentine’s day is making you break out in hives, Rachel Nabors has the cure.

    In fact, she has declared a Valentine’s Day Massacre of her own, but instead of machine guns, her weapon of choice is Cupid’s arrow.

    Nabors, who works in a loose, manga-influenced style, has confected a series of short strips starring Anti-Cupid, Crusher of Crushes and Destroyer of Insignificant Others, who is created when Rachel’s lead character runs over the real Cupid with her car. Anti-Cupid’s arrows break up relationships, and then she jumps in to explain why You’re Better Off Without Him.

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    The NEW Digital Strips Livecast!

    If you’ve been listening in on the show you’re already aware of this but considering I believe there’s no such thing as too much coverage here’s the blog announcement. Next Wednesday Phil will be hosting the first ever Digital Strips Live review show on Wednesday Feb. 7, 9PM Eastern, where he will subject himself to your every whim. That’s right, the guys who led the way with the first web comics podcast are finally catching up with a live review, months after everyone else. You can’t blame us for not listening, just for being lazy.

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