Hey gang. Special thanks to Scott Kurtz, Lee Cherolis, Mike Laidman, Peter Venables and everyone else who popped by for the livecast last night. Much fun was had by all. The recorded episode is now available for download here. Just click the download icon under “Past episodes.”
Next one will be March 7th, at 9:15PM Eastern (9:15, so those of you who want to call in using free minutes on their phones can do so). We’ll be discussing Achewood, much to Daku’s dismay. And for me, the challenge will lie in attempting to explain why I like it (because I love it, but can’t explain why). Should be a good show, so tune in next time.
Loved it, i can’t wait for the next one!
Hopefully my connection wont suck ass so much next time.
Now I begin the task of figuring out how few Achewood strips I have to read to still be prepared for the show…
That’s how it WORKS.
Brandon always slacks off, beat him! HARDER!