DS 89: Review of Detective Fork

Digital Strips : Show 89
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According to Phil I have no taste when it comes to web comics but I like to think I’m a good and healthy person. Here is a strip to make you laugh and remember the good old days when puns and mysteries meant something.In this episode we talk about:

  • Detective Fork by Kevin J. Guhl
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    Is He Gone Yet?

    The contest finally came to an end and it appears no one actually believed he left. There are a few of you though that sent in your entries and all of them were great. Fortunately for me though there can be only one winner or I’d be out a lot more money. Before I go on all I have to say is thank goodness the winner stopped drawing me naked. They may what was holding him back from this masterpiece. So who is the winner? It would be this entry: Continue reading


    Interest Piquers #8 ~OR~ Broken Walls. Check.

    Some really big news this week, with Drunk Duck being acquired in a huge (catastrophic?) move by Platinum Studios, more webcomic interview goodness from Wizard, and more!

    Oh, and with regards to the eagerly anticipated, universally panned review of A History Of Webcomics, I shall simply quote You’ll Have That’s Wes Molebash:

    There’s a lot of drama in webcomics, and I think it’s funny.

    Couldn’t have said it better, Wes. I will indeed have that. Now listen up, and listen good, because I’m only gonna say this once.

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    Bring Down The Trees

    While going through our email I noticed a lack news being sent to us. Then I slapped myself in the face and remembered everyone has been faithfully submitting news through the site. Boy do I feel like an idiot. Perhaps you will forgive as I empty out the queue on the tail of traffic coming from the Times?

    Elf `n Troll – There are now five books from the unexhaustible AP Furtado. Each book is 24 pages long while the fifth book takes you on the wonderful story of what happens when you have an angry Troll, a missing Elf, a mysterious warrior, a pack of crazed Goblins, and a malevolent witch? Continue reading


    DrunkDuck Goes Platinum

    A couple months ago I got a phone call from guys at Platinum studios asking if I would be interested in promoting the Comic Book Challenge. Most of you probably realize that our advertising tends to focus mainly on web comics so instead I asked if we could have an interview, thus I ended up getting Scott Rosenberg on the phone for a good hour. There was no reason why that wasn’t going to be the end of the conversation, but after the interview Scott and the rest of his company gathered together to pepper me with questions about web comics.

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    My THOUGHTS On A History Of Webcomics V.1 ~OR~ Do It Right

    At last, the long-awaited, eagerly anticipated Digital Strips review of T Campbell’s A History Of Webcomics V.1! And the question on everybody’s mind: Will he hate it? Or will he gush with praise of a work so ahead of its time, it should be another ten to twenty years before it’s actually published?

    If you can’t tell from that last sentence where I’ll be taking this, let me ask you this question: Who do you feel the intended audience should be for a work such as this? The webcomic community? Or those we would like to educate about our young medium? If you marked through the first selection on your test sheet, then it would be best if you sat down your pencil and left the classroom now. This review isn’t for you. Continue reading


    I’m Just Drinking: The Podcast

    Thanks to the dozens of donators and Wiki-ers, and the support from all around, I’m Just Drinking: The Podcast is now live. You can find it at www.imjustdrinking.com/podcast. This episode features the webcomic Fragile Gravity, by Barb Fischer & Chris Impink. The drinks displayed are The Girl Next Door and The Bitter Stoat. Please enjoy the show and stay tuned for the next episode, which will air on October 9th.

    (Don’t worry, kids. I’ll still be doing Digital Strips. Now I’m just doing two shows.)


    DS 88: Review of Filth Hole

    Digital Strips : Show 88
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    Phil is back after complaining about not being on the last podcast. Apparantly he’s a big fan of the strip. This week Phil takes revenge on me by forcing me to read possibly the most filthy comic ever created, out side of kit’n Koboodle. I dare you to not be offended.

    In this episode we talk about:

  • Filth Hole by Jamie Galey and Fred Grisolm
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    Mac Hall Moves On

    Nothing lasts for ever. Nothing gold can stay. Sooner or later, everything comes to an end. Matt Boyd and Ian McConville seem to have decided to step away from Mac Hall, much to the disappointment of many readers and other comic creators who site Mac Hall as one of their major influences.

    Today's strip, what may well be the final installment of Mac Hall was a perfect bittersweet ending. Continue reading


    Interest Piquers #7 ~OR~ It’s On

    Well, there it goes. Another whirlwind week come and gone, with nothing more to remember than a few blog posts which commemorate each event.

    Oh wait! There’s also Interest Piquers! Ha HA! This week, I found a new favorite strip (gotta be, like, 40 now) in Sheldon the Pig, another of our number was interviewed over at WizardUniverse.com, I started and finished Penny Arcade’s second volume of snarky goodness, and found victory in my efforts to start a small, albeit costly, war with the fine folks at Fleen. Really, they’re the vilest, most evil entity ever to be known on our beloved Interweb, but you know what they say: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Here we go! Continue reading
