Podcast Topics

So, Daku and I have been chugging along with the podcasts as best we can while he’s flying all over the place and Weds is busy. Typically, one of us picks a comic we like and give it to the others and say “Let’s do a show on this one.”

Honestly, it’s getting tougher to pick comics. I feel like I’m running out of ones to do, personally. And the “Submit Comic” link doesn’t seem to be working…

So, with that in mind, if you listeners and readers out there have a comic that you’d like to see us cover for an installment of the podcast, send us an e-mail at digital.strips@gmail.com or glitchphil@gmail.com and we’ll definitely consider it.


Greek l33t Speak

One of the biggest concepts we have tried to tackle has always been figuring out the right business model. Once you’ve created your web comic what do you need to do to make what you love your living? The first obvious answer is advertising but then most comics have found that is not enough unless you have a huge number of readers. What is the second option? Merchandising of course! To give it a try we have an idea for a t-shirt that might appeal to a large number of not just our readers but the entire web comic community and more. Before we take the time to build a store, design the final shirt, and make ridiculously large orders I want to make sure enough of you out there think I’m not crazy.

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Web Comic Drama Is Easy

I think we’re all pretty aware that if there is no drama this week then there will probably be some next month. Some times the drama can come out of left field with articles in the New York Times or a new history of web comics book being released but usually most drama can be tied back to short list of people. Don’t get me wrong, these guys are my favorite people if only because they are the bread and butter for news sites like this.

Digital Strips Comic 37
We mention three guys here, who else would you add to the list as the personalities that love the drama?


DS 84: Review of Monster Guy

Digital Strips : Show 84
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This is the first podcast covering the advertising sale we ran a month ago. I swear it’s only coincidental that the sponsor happens to be an advertising company. In the second half we review the new comic from our favorite ConnectiCon host.In this episode we talk about:

  • Speech Bubble Media
  • Monster Guy by Rich Dactera
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    What Do You Do When No One Cares?

    You go and pay some of the biggest mouths in the industry to do your talking for you.

    It all started around 54 years ago when the CCA was created in response to “public concern” that was stirred up in the early 50’s. As a result we had the first self censorship in the entertainment industry. This also started a trend followed by movies\tv in 1968 and the gaming industry in 1994. What was the result of this rating? Well a bunch of letters most parents don’t pay attention to. I can almost gauruntee 99% of you reading this have either seen a R rated movie before you were 13 or played an M rated game before you were 17.

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    More Tales Go Modern

    Ah Fall, the air is getting colder, kids are heading back to school and everything is dieing all around us. One good thing about autumn time though, is new entertainment schedules both on TV and on the Web.

    Earlier this month Modern Tales got a new editor, Shaenon K. Garrity, who quickly opened Modern Tales up for new submissions. Nine new strips have been added to Comics Lounge Section which is free so it can be enjoyed by any and all cheapskates out there, such as myself.

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    How Can I Help? ~OR~ Interest Piquers #3

    Week 3 of Interest Piquers finds a few more strips jumping on my already-overflowing pull list, all, as usual, courtesy of Digital Strips (have you heard of the site? I hear it’s pretty good). The first and most exciting is the subject of the most recent podcast: The Dreamland Chronicles. Not far behind that is Sequential Art, a strip reviewed back in Podcast #74, which I’ve fallen behind on keeping up with due to lack of RSS feed or compatability with my bookmarking service. And finally, a quick thought or two on webcomic merchandise. Ready? Here we go!

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    DS 83: Review of The Dreamland Chronicles

    Digital Strips : Show 83
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    One of the newest styles in the web comic world is the 3D comic. Phil found this strip and argues it being the best example and once you see it you just might agree. The guys behind Blue Dream Studios have put together a beautifully rendered comic not to miss.

    In this episode we talk about:

  • The Dreamland Chronicles by Scott Christian Sava
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