[News] Where Are All The Trees?

I’ve always wondered the reasoning behind putting a web comic in print. The most successful web comics all have their content for free, so why put all your content in an inarguably less accessible form? Of course you could always carry a book around to more places you have internet access but I’m lazy. That makes me think it’s for a more sentimental or possibly even charitible but then I’ll assume most of you are just as selfish as myself. I just like to show everyone just how well read I am.

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A Word… On The Journal Comic

There are lots and lots of dead strips on the internet. Most of which died quietly in the night, and thank God too (the Internet can take only so much crap). However there are some strips that died, I belive, that left us all too soon. There are strips that hammered our souls as the nails were put into its coffin; that tugged on our heart strings as it was lain into the ground; and that took a part of us with it as it was burried under the dirt. For me, Drew Weing’s The Journal Comic, was such a strip. [Direct link to comic in the title above]

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Pulp on Pulse

I saw this article today on Pulse and thought I’d give my two cents about it and the genre as a whole. So, you’ll have to forgive me if I skip the introductions for now. After all, I do have my priorities. I will say that my name is Jerry and it’s a privilege to yell at all of you though.

Being an old-fashioned kind of guy, I like a good detective or adventure comic now and again. There’s just something about the writing style and the art that
makes you believe you’re actually in Omaha in 1939, or off on a high-flying adventure through the jungles of Africa. I’m not sure what it is, but these types of comics seem to have a certain power over me. It could be that I grew up always looking at the art of Frank Frazetta and Alberto Vargas. If you don’t know who they are try looking them up; you won’t regret it. It could be that I just like scantily clad girls, old cars, and fist fights…I’m not sure.

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DS 69: Review of On the Rocks

Digital Strips : Show 69
[11.7 MB]
We finally have our show covering the We Love Webcomics Contest 2! entries. Zampzon, Phil, and myself sit down and give our opinions and officially announce the winners of both prize #1 and #2. For those who can’t sit through our little homage the winners are below.
In this episode we talk about:

  • We Love Webcomics Contest 2!
  • Mike’s Stupid Comics by Mike Laidman
  • On the Rocks by Tyler Martin

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    [News] Atland Interviewed and Web Cartoonists Make Money

    Sorry all this is from a couple days ago. I’ve been a little off my game lately. Oh well, if you didn’t know it yet, it’s still web comics news to you.

    Nate Piekos, of Atland and Blambot fame, did an interview with Silver Bullet Comics recently. He talked about his projects and his art style. I’m always a junkie for any “how they do it,” behind the scene peeks at anything so I enjoyed it. More importantly, though, it will hopefully bring some more people into our community. According to the interview Joshua Sage, the Silver Bullet forums haven’t spoken too highly of online comics in general. Hopefully Piekos’s polished style (his own) and vast amount of bounteous cleavage (not his own) will turn a few heads and gain a few coverts.

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    No Name, Just a Voice

    I come to you all, a man with no name. At least, as I write this, I have no name. The gods Zampzon and Daku may see fit to grant me one before this makes it’s way magically from my laptop to the Internet. As I see nothing myself, however, I shall simply start with an introduction to what I hope to contribute to the team.

    Webcomics are such a different beast than anything else we’ve ever seen in the artistic world. They take every medium you could possibly think of and throw them all into the same pot, just waiting to be stirred up and served. And yet somehow, each bite tastes different. Continue reading


    [Contest] And We Have a Winner!

    When we said we were going to announce the winner of the contest over the weekend I couldn’t help but laugh maniacally that it was April 1st. Just how bad of a comic could we make and say was the winner? Then the whole work thing got in the way and here we are. We had a plethora of entries with a particular contestant submitting 13 different ones.

    Who then are the winners? The first prize goes to the entry picked by Zampzon, Phil Kahn, 7, Mr. Hian, and myself as our favorite. There were several really good strips ranging Continue reading


    A Word… On A New Evil

    So I was searching through many twisted web rings for web comics I haven’t seen before and I ran across this happy little list of sites: Natalie Dee, Married To The Sea, and Tooth paste for Dinner. I had of course heard of these sites before, but whenever I ask about them I always got the most annoyingly cryptic answers. “It’s really weird, but it’s funny and you’ll like it.” “It’s really dumb, but you’ll like it.” “I don’t really know how to describe it, but you’ll like it.” …And so on.

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    [News] “The Geek is Dead!” and Other April Foolishness

    Greetings everyone. Happy April Fool’s Day. An entire day devoted to making other people look stupid. It’s the best holiday since my birthday. Cartoonists have always used this day as a chance to have a laugh of their own at the expense of the readers or to just have fun. I still have a special place in my heart for that time about ten years ago when all the syndicated cartoonists got together and swapped around. Naturally with their unlimited potential and complete lack of a governing power, web comics are generally able to pull off bigger and better pranks (which makes sense since they usually have bigger and better strips).

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