Take a Photo Comic; It’ll Last Longer

Have you ever had a brain fart so big it hurts? I was looking through Daku’s post and thought I’d check the Chameleon Collective, because I like both web comics and lizards. I came across a strip by the name of The Sordid Affairs.

The Sordid Affairs is a twice-weekly strip put together from photos of various foods and condiments with dialogue added. I read through the archive at work and because I wasn’t able to completely focus I was blown away by the originality of this strip. I’m mean photos and food no one’s done that before. As I was walking home it hit me that not only are there a lot of other photo strips out there, there are a lot of photo strips that I enjoy and read on a regular basis.

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Web Comic Wrap-up

Why do I keep getting all this email about web comics? Oh that’s right, we have a blog covering the world of webcomics. You’d think after the amazing traffic over the past couple weeks you would think I would get it through my head. On to the news!

Rainbow Orchid
– What’s this? There’s another site dedicated to covering comics. It may need to narrow it’s field a little to the next wave of the future but it’s nice it was introduced to me in reference to a web comic. The artist behind Rainbow Orchid, Garen Ewing, was interviewed and posted for your reading pleasure.

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Web Comics In the Media

It’s always a beautiful thing when web comics appear in the media. Typically that media is the newspaper but every once in awhile it’s TV and then my eyes get big. Why do we hunger for such attention? We have our own media but it’s being mentioned by the NY Times or on the talk box that we truly aspire to. Therefore the question is how to do it?

It looks like the strip Wulffmorganthaler, which we reviewed back I don’t remember when, was mentioned on the Daily Show. Continue reading


Cleansing the Web Comic Colon

There are some days I that I scare myself with my reliance on technology. My Firefox got rabid and ate itself a few days ago and took with it all of my book marks. I remember sitting down at the computer for the daily journey through my favorite web comics and I ended up staring at an empty bookmarks folder. I’ll admit panicked a bit; I hadn’t typed in a comic’s url for months. I had no idea what to do next.

Fortunately, after I dried my eyes, I was able to remember a few addresses and from the links pages I was able to start reestablishing my bookmarks. Thanks to every creator with a big old links page containing 20+ strips linked to it. You made my life a lot easier. It’s been a very cleansing experience for me. I’ve been able to renew my love with some strips that I missed a few updates of and best of all, finding new strips to read everyday. It’s also been a period of reevaluation. There were several strips that I was about to mark again and then I realized that they weren’t really that good. I ended up cutting loose a lot of dead weight strips that I book marked in a moment of weakness As big of a pain in the butt the whole ordeal was, I’m glad it happened. I may do it again in six months or so. I’m going to recommend all of you do it yourselves too. You’ll feel 10 pounds lighter.


A Word… On Craft

It has often been said that comics, as a medium, are lacking in the department of respect. There is no doubt of this truth, but nowhere is it truer than in the realm of “Fine Art”. There is no greater comic hater than a “true” artist. Usually it’s the stuffy ridiculous reason: “because it’s not art. It is simply masquerading as art.” Little do they realize the great effort, pain, and talent it requires to turn a good illustration. One must know their line weights, their composition, and of course their anatomy (or warped anatomy). Such small-minded folk truly require our wisdom.

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Listening to the Arcade for Less than a Penny

Hello all you happy web comic reading people.

If any of you haven’t yet, I highly suggest taking a listen to the Penny Arcade podcast. I know Penny Arcade is hugely popular (and should be) but they really haven’t made a big deal out of the show and you kind of have to scroll down to find it, so I’m sure some folks don’t know about it yet.

Rather than an organized or planned presentation, the Penny Arcade podcasts is just Gabe and Tycho talking as they go through the process of writing that days strip. Continue reading


How Are We Gonna Get Rid Of All This Pudding!

The big names in comics continue to make their tentative forays to the computron. The question “can they dominate the webernet the way they’ve dominated print?” has been raised. The answer is no & no. Unless diamond gets an exclusivity deal in hosting on the webernet, and even then, some places would remain open to independents.

The Lulufriends have assembled to form the Friends of Lulu Empowerment Fund to raise money, initially, to help Taki Soma whose story has captured the attentions even of Internet Jesus. Go. Read. It is important, significant, and not a joke. It is, in fact, the opposite.

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Dropping the F-Bomb

Okay, I know I’m about to stomp all over a sensitive nerve with some people, but that’s sort of what I do. What I’m talking about is dropping the “F-bomb” into a comic. From what I can tell most creators insert language like this into their strips to get a rise out of people and boost their traffic. The model for this is usually something along the lines of “if Creator A drops the F-bomb into Strip B then he/she will increase readership by C amount of people.” A+B=C, simple enough. However, and I’m going out on a limb here, what would happen if the writing and art spoke for itself and you told people about your comic instead of just tossing swears around like beads at Mardi Gras? I’m willing to wager that you’d probably get just as many new readers this way, if not more.

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How to Train Newspapers

Xerexes over at Comixpedia mentioned today that there is a general lack of coverage of web comics outside of dedicated sites such as theirs. It’s true, there’s not an abundance of web cartoonists appearing on Entertainment Tonight.

I’m sure there are many reasons that lead to this. Most of which are entirely out of our control as fans. But not all. There is something we can do.

I think I’ve done my part to promote the world of web comics. I work for a college paper and I write a (usually) weekly Continue reading
