One Year and a new job

Today: The Comic turned a full year old on May 19th. Chad Diez, creator of the Today, will be putting up guest strips for the entire month of May and ending June 19th. He’s also going from a Monday and Friday only update to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday update schedule to make room for all of the guest comics that poured in at his request. The normal Monday and Friday update schedule should resume after June 19th.

When I asked him how he felt about his comic turning one year old he told me that he was very proud of the huge response it’s recieved throughout the year. He went on to say that he views this anniversary as a first step towards bigger things and he has no plans of abandoning the comic for any reason.

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Balticon Or Bust

I know I’ve been pretty negative in the articles I’ve written recently, and I probably hated it more than most of you. Well, rest assured that those days are over with, and they aren’t coming back. Instead, I thought I’d give you guys a bit of a heads up about something I’m doing that I found interesting. Not interesting because I’m doing it, but because it sort of breaks the norm. As far as I’ve seen anyway, I could be wrong. If so, someone with a lot more experience is bound to correct me. Which is fine, I’m still a bit green when it comes to matters of the webcomic “industry”.

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Make It 100 and We’ll Talk

Okay, okay, I know. I ran out on you guys like a deadbeat dad. It was a bad move, but I’m back and I have a new gripe. This time it doesn’t involve language or anything dealing with morals or the like.

My gripe today is with something I’ve seen a lot of in forums dedicated to webcomics, the 37th strip post. Now, I’m all for letting people know when you hit a milestone with your comic. Things like hitting your one year mark, your 100th strip, killing a character, or re-inventing the wheel. Just because you made it to your 37th update isn’t a reason to go shouting it from the rooftops. That’s like marking off the fact that you made it to two and a half months without missing an update. You have a comic, that comic is comprised of strips, most of these strips are released on a scheduled picked by you. That means it should be no surprise when you update your comic regularly.

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Dropping the F-Bomb

Okay, I know I’m about to stomp all over a sensitive nerve with some people, but that’s sort of what I do. What I’m talking about is dropping the “F-bomb” into a comic. From what I can tell most creators insert language like this into their strips to get a rise out of people and boost their traffic. The model for this is usually something along the lines of “if Creator A drops the F-bomb into Strip B then he/she will increase readership by C amount of people.” A+B=C, simple enough. However, and I’m going out on a limb here, what would happen if the writing and art spoke for itself and you told people about your comic instead of just tossing swears around like beads at Mardi Gras? I’m willing to wager that you’d probably get just as many new readers this way, if not more.

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Pulp on Pulse

I saw this article today on Pulse and thought I’d give my two cents about it and the genre as a whole. So, you’ll have to forgive me if I skip the introductions for now. After all, I do have my priorities. I will say that my name is Jerry and it’s a privilege to yell at all of you though.

Being an old-fashioned kind of guy, I like a good detective or adventure comic now and again. There’s just something about the writing style and the art that
makes you believe you’re actually in Omaha in 1939, or off on a high-flying adventure through the jungles of Africa. I’m not sure what it is, but these types of comics seem to have a certain power over me. It could be that I grew up always looking at the art of Frank Frazetta and Alberto Vargas. If you don’t know who they are try looking them up; you won’t regret it. It could be that I just like scantily clad girls, old cars, and fist fights…I’m not sure.

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