Web Comic Wrap Up

Just a reminder everyone that we’re still looking for another host on the podcast, especially if you have a background in art. The good news though is I might have found another writer to join the staff but that’s still in the works so keep giving me page views to find out. On to another installation of what’s going on in the world of web comics.

Jim Reaper – It looks like a new web comic from Silent Devil has been announced. Who is Silent Devil Productions? Continue reading


Why Long is Wrong

So I've been trying to upload a comic to the site (yes we still do those) and it wasn't working so I got mad. Then I decided to read comics because they bring peace to my heart (and someday, the world). I went to Questionable Content which was funny and full of girls fighting, so that it made me happy. But then I read Jaques' rant on the side of the comic and now I'm mad again putting me right back where I started. Thanks for nothing Jeph!

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DS 93: Interview with Scott Christian Sava

Digital Strips : Show 93
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We return to what might ultimately be described as the best rendered web comic. When we reviewed this strip back on show 83 this gentleman became the most requested interviewee on the show. So sit down for the next hour as I ask a barrage of questions.

In this episode we interview:

  • Scott Christian Sava of The Dreamland Chronicles
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    Today: The Comic Ends… TODAY ~OR~ The Re-Re-Rebirth of The Pet Professional

    Chances are if you read webcomics regularly, you’ve heard of Chad Diez. Been a fan of The Pet Professional lately? Yep, that’s his crisp, concise line work there. Today: The Comic? That’s also Chad, lampooning the political and pop-culture headlines of today with natural satire and a smooth wit. The Sophisticated Pig? Also a great read, courtesy of Wiz Rollins’ uncompromising scripting and Chad’s dynamic, yet subtle style. Well, as of today, only one of these strips now feature Chad on visuals. Continue reading


    Calling All Writers and Artists

    If you’ve noticed we’ve lost a couple writers and even the sexiest voice of the podcast. Well now is the time when Digital Strips is looking to expand its staff once again. That’s right, you now have the opportunity to be on the biggest web comic podcast and/or join the staff of writers acclaimed across the universe.

    So here it is, we’re looking for 2 people. The first is a writer who knows Manga as I feel that the site does not do it justice considering it may be larger then gaming comics. That means Continue reading


    DS 92: Guest Review of Brinkerhoff

    Digital Strips : Show 92
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    It pays to Sponsor us. This is one I wasn’t even aware of until he rented a month’s space on the side. Thanks to Midnight it was bumped up from it’s place in the queue to be highlighted on the show. Join us for perhaps the most sarastic comic on the cyberweb.In this episode we talk about:

  • Brinkerhoff by Gabe Strine
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    Stevens In Lucasfilm Copyright Scare ~OR~ Can I Use That?

    Do you do a webcomic? Do you deal with parody and/or homage involving other creator’s characters? Does it scare the CRAP out of you each time you do it?

    Rich Stevens of Diesel Sweeties is one of those satirical webtoonists who occasionally utilize established ideas for making with the funny and he was recently dealt a blow from a galaxy far, far away from the very man many of us hold responsible for raping our childhood memories. Continue reading
