Medium Large, a hilarious daily look at modern pop culture by Francesco Marciuliano, is taking a few days off. Rather than giving some lame excuse like health reason or family, Marciuliano is doing it to put together a syndication package. Yep, he's looking to make the big jump from the Web page to the news page.
He's asked for help from his readers to suggest strips for the application. If you have a personal favorite head on over to his site and leave a comment on today's strip. If you've never read Medium Large now's the perfect time to start so you can act all cool when your friends start talking about in the paper.
'Oh yeah,' you'll say. 'I've been reading that one since it was on the Internet.' Then more people will like you.
Medium Large has remained on one my personal favorite since I was introduced to it by an early episode of Digital Strips. I wish Francesco the best of luck and hope to see him in the funny pages. His strip is already newspaper format and would go along way to showing the world what Web comics can do.
According to Michael Fry (the dude behind 'Under the Hedge') has been quoted as saying that the only reason Medium Large isn't syndicated is because it's good. I'm sure however it'll continue to be good after being brought to the masses.