Websnark Becomes a Business

Recently Eric Burns had more then a little real life problems which caused to reconsider his whole position on merchandising and Websnark. The question is if you start worrying about making money from t-shirts and other stuff will your product be as good? Will trying to sell a product influence the direction and quality of the original product? For many web comic artists the answer is obvious as every artist is dying to make a living from doing something they love.

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Web Comic Wrap-up

The winner for the brand spanking new Digital Comic category for this year’s Eisner Awards is Mom’s Cancer by Brian Fies. You can find all the winners here.

Keenspot has finally asked Two Lumps to join the shrinking list of Keenspot comics. In a past interview by Eric Burns with Mel and James you can find their feelings about the whole situation. Websnark brings up and interesting point in Keenspot should have approached the strip back with the announcement on Blank Label Comics. Continue reading


Wired Covers Web Comics at San Diego

Despite the commanding presence of everything print and movie in the comic industry, there appears to be a soft spot for web comics at Comicon. There is an article at Wired which starts off commenting on Scott Kurtz getting spit on by a passerby. If that’s not enough to get your attention the article was actually pleasant but covered only the typical players of Modern Tales and Scott McCloud. There is great line that our readers might expect in our blog:

Only a few edgy strips, including the ever-controversial The Boondocks and La Cucaracha, appear in the comics pages of mainstream daily newspapers, Continue reading


DS 28: ConnectiCon Tour

Digital Strips : Show 28 [16.3mb]
This week our show is recorded during ConnectiCon. ConnectiCon is the largest multi-genre convention in New England and it Features the genres of anime, gaming, web-comics, science-fiction, fantasy and more. We met a lot of really great people while at the Con and had a good time over all.What you’re going to hear in this show is a “sound seeing tour”. I had a headset on connected to my video camera in my bag and I recorded the show with Daku as we walked through the main convention room floor. You’ll hear us describing the event as we saw it including the web comic artist tables and some conversations we had with them. This is the first time we’ve ever tried to do something like this, so be sure to let us know if you liked it or not. We may be able to shows like this from other Cons in the future.During the tour we found tables for these web comics. They are listed in the order we came across them during the tour:

  • Least I Could Do : leasticoulddo.com
  • Mine’s Bigger : minesbigger.novablade.com
  • Partially Clips : partiallyclips.com
  • Fragile Gravity : fragilegravity.com
  • No 4th Wall To Break : no4thwall.com
  • Staccato : staccatocomic.com
  • Fallen : fallencomic.com
  • Instant Classic : iccomics.com
  • Apple Geeks : applegeeks.com
  • VG Cats : vgcats.com
  • Ctrl Alt Del : ctrlaltdel-online.com
  • Comedity : comedity.com
  • The Devil’s Panties : thedevilspanties.keenspace.com
  • Dominic Deegan : dominic-deegan.com
  • Surliness : surliness.com
  • Paradox Lost : paradox-lost.com
  • Ded End : dedend.keenspace.com
  • And Then You Die : andthenyoudie.net
  • Chugworth Academy : chugworth.com
  • Daze and a Haze : dazehaze.keenspace.com
  • Mac Hall : machall.com
  • Continue reading


    Gun Street Girl Moves to Panel2Panel

    The excellent strip Gun Street Girl by Barb Lien has picked up Wicker Man Studios and migrated from Graphic Smash to the new free site Panel2Panel. You may recall not to long ago Amber “Glych” Greenlee moving to this very site with No Stereotypes and Red Dahlia. The archives are now free and restarting with four stories and a new one every month. From the press release:

    “For one thing, this move will be much better for the flow of the stories,” said artist Ryan Howe, Continue reading


    Last Day for You’ll Have That Contest

    Our friend and compadre Wes of You’ll Have That has his lovely contest winding up today. We were more then happy to announce it at the beginning of the month and we can’t wait to see who wins. The concept being used for the winner reminds me of Saturday morning cartoons where some kid would end up in his favorite show helping the heroes defeat the bad guys. Don’t forget that on top of making a cameo in this hilarious strip you also get a bunch of loot from viper comics.

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    Emergency Request to our Fans

    I have a very selfish request to all our readers and listeners who may be attending the San Diego Comic Con. If you are planning on attending I’d like someone to go and get a signed sketch from Scott Kurtz of PVP Online of Brent or Francis listening to Digital Strips or something like that. The first person to respond saying they’ll go get this for me will be rewarded with some of the swag we have on hand from various web comic artists and a mention on our show. If Scott charges for the sketch I’ll reimburse you for that and the cost of shipping as well. I hope someone can do this for me since I won’t be able to attend while I’m at ConnectiCon. Thanks!


    Ocular Trauma Contest Last Day

    Today is the last day for the entries to be submitted to the Ocular Trauma guest comic contest, so if you haven’t sent in your entry yet be sure to do so before the end of today. As a reminder to everyone to go check it out I’m posting my entry that I sent in. Here is the Digital Strips the Comic entry for Ocular Trauma:


    Shakeup Over the Web Comics Panel at Anime Expo

    The Anime Expo that took place last week in California held a web comic panel during which one of the panelists apparently embarrassed his partner. Codi and Cayen both run a web comic site, Draco Eques Tristita, and Codi, the sometimes writer and forum moderator for the site, sat in on the panel during the expo. Apparently during the question and answer portion of the panel Codi was asked about making a success in web comics and his response was not exactly professional. Continue reading
