Despite the commanding presence of everything print and movie in the comic industry, there appears to be a soft spot for web comics at Comicon. There is an article at Wired which starts off commenting on Scott Kurtz getting spit on by a passerby. If that’s not enough to get your attention the article was actually pleasant but covered only the typical players of Modern Tales and Scott McCloud. There is great line that our readers might expect in our blog:
Only a few edgy strips, including the ever-controversial The Boondocks and La Cucaracha, appear in the comics pages of mainstream daily newspapers, where creaky Garfield strips and musty Peanuts reruns hold sway.
There are a decent amount of stripsmentioned but of course important players were left out. But honestly, how in the world would you expect a reporter to actually mention something about all the big players in a short article like this?