Another installment of the Comic. We are back at the top of our rotation with a comic from the Midnight Cartooner. This week’s topic is one that was hit on some time ago but it never gets old. Sometimes a good fart joke is all you need to make you audience fall backwards out of hte chairs laughing. As for picking on the Penny Arcade guys, no harm meant as Tycho and Gabe are some of the nicest guys in the industry to talk to. I’ll not forget they contacting us out of the blue to tell us they listenned to our show and they both ended up on 35th show.
Category Archives: Comic
Web Comic Drama Is Easy
I think we’re all pretty aware that if there is no drama this week then there will probably be some next month. Some times the drama can come out of left field with articles in the New York Times or a new history of web comics book being released but usually most drama can be tied back to short list of people. Don’t get me wrong, these guys are my favorite people if only because they are the bread and butter for news sites like this.
Running a Tight Ship
Here is the first strip from PookeyG. It looks like the theme of the mask was just too hard to pass up. By the way I have given the guys no direction other then it needs to be about the site or webcomic commentary so you will be just as surprised and delighted as Ia m when it gets posted.
The Beginning Of The New Comic
We’ve mentioned this on the podcast and I know you have all been waiting. Before you continue I bet you’re wondering what makes this comic so different? Well with Zampon out of the picture we searched far and wide for the best artists to pick up our cute little outlet and we turned no further then then our very own bloggers. The DS Comic will be created by not just one artist but three: The Geek, PookeyG, and the Midnight Cartooner.
DS Comic Update. Yes, It’s Another one
Excuse me, yes, is that a bandwagon? Have room for one more do you? Great, I’ll just hop right on …
Ok, I sketched this out a couple days ago after seeing one of those commercials for the 40th time. I thought they were clever the first couple times, but enough already. Seriously.
Then I noticed that this was a popular parody target amongst real cartoonists who are far better than I as was mentioned before. Oh well. I figured I would finish mine off real quick and post it now rather than waiting until next week when it would be a tired joke.
Sorry Pookey, just add this one to the pile. By the way, you forgot to mention this one from DJ, this one from Today: The Comic and this one from PC Weenies.
DS Comic Update
DS Comic Update
A Scanner, A Scanner, My Kingdom for a Scanner!
It’s late at night and I’m in my hotel room in Dallas, TX. I just wanted to jump online and give a little update here on the Digital Strips comic. I know it seems like I’ve been slacking, but really I’ve been drawing and writing the comic from plane to plane. It’s just damn hard to find a scanner when you really need one. The hotels I hop around to all have business centers where printers and photocopiers are aplenty, but I have yet to find one with a scanner. This past weekend I made it back home for a few precious hours before hitting the airways yet again and I was able to get a bunch of stuff scanned.
[Comic] DS Comic Update and Phil’s Audio
Here’s another Digital Strips comic. Moving right along in my little story I’m expanding the world a tad. I need a place where we can mention all our new additions to the roster, so I’m getting the comic to a place where other characters can come and go.
On another note, we’ve gotten some complaints about the audio quality in recent shows. In case you didn’t catch this situation, Phil’s computer has gone kaput. Continue reading
[Comic] New DS Comics, Daku’s Secret
Ok, I’m getting back into doing some more Digital Strips comics. I have an idea for a new story arc and this will be the lead in for it. I had taken some time away from doing the comics while I tried to put together an animated/video/podcast thing, but that has turned out to be far more time consuming and a much bigger pain in the butt than I had anticipated. I think I’ll stick with comics, it’s much more of a solo kind of affair.