Honorable Mentions

Ever heard of a cascading failure? If you’re a fan of TNG then you probably saw that episode with Data where he’s trying to save his daughter. Well I had one of those. The past two weeks I have been restoring the post archives along with their comments. I managed to get all the posts but in the middle of restoring the comments my laptop decided to fart on me. But that wasn’t enough. Since it had already farted 6 months ago this time it was a nice and juicy one that cascaded down to my USB backup drive and broke it. Yeah that’s right, all the DS archives were located on the laptop and backed-up on the hard drive. Continue reading


Irregular Doesn’t Mean What You Think it Does

Crap-suck. That's the only hyphenated work I can come up with to describe how I felt when I saw that David Morgan-Mar has decided to quite his daily Lego-fuelled romp known as Irregular Webcomic. New Year's Eve is supposed to be happy, not crap-sucky.

**EDIT** Aparently it was all a big joke. A punch line I didn’t get. Everything is still going as normal over there. If you stopped reading, start again. Next time anyone in Webcomics feels the urge to post a fake I’m leaving strip, tell us first. We won’t let the secret out, but we won’t tell anyone that it’s real either.**/EDIT**?

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A real page-turner?

Here’s one of those things I found on the way to looking up something else, and it’s really interesting: Central Park Media, a manga publisher that has had its ups and downs over the past year, is putting its books online.

Manga publishers have been putting samples online for a while now, but CPM is unusual in that it is making entire chapters and indeed entire volumes available on the internet for free. Continue reading


Interview With The Bean Men’s Sean Tenhoff ~OR~ NSFW Content Therein

Happy Holidays, and Feliz Navi-blah to you all! The Midnight Cartooner has returned after a festive Christmas time with the fam (new wife happily in tow) with an interview of the best kind. After all, who needs a face-to-face encounter when you have the infinitely more personal e-mail format to delve into the minds of your favorite creators?

The punctualization has been changed, but the content remains intact! So sit back, have a glass of ‘nog, curl up by the fire, unplug the laptop, and read on as I interview Sean Tenhoff, creator of Webcomic Idol finalist and controversially ousted webcomic, The Bean Men!

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DS 102: Review of Butterfly

Digital Strips : Show 102
[7.70 MB]
Hey! That’s not Phil! You may notice another voice of the line and that would be Brandon J Carr. He’s giving a go at filling the Zampzon\Wednesday spot and I think he did a hell of a job. He has selected a strip I had never heard but enjoyed non-the-less. So sit back and listen as I try desperately to hold on to sanity as I have quite the wonderful cold going.In this episode we talk about:

  • Butterfly by Dean Trippe
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    Housd Radio and Who’s Your Idol?

    After a week of being neck deep in restoring the posts and comments I just have to take a break. What sort of stocking stuffers do I have for you?

    Webcomic Idol – I haven’t given this contest its due considering how bomb shelter took a tired idea and applied it to web comics. My first impression is not another knock-off, but the guys seemed to have done it right and picked up a great variety of comics for you to vote off and us judges to comment. I have to admit I liked only half of them and I haven’t done my part as well as I could. It has its problems, Continue reading


    Even PC Weenies Can Make a Pretty Site

    Have you ever notice just how many times a web comic will update it’s site? You might be saying to yourself “months” or even “years” but then you should sit back and realize how often a regular brick and mortar company updates theirs. Take blue chip companies such as Delta, Home Depot, Coke, and UPS. All of these have had basically the same website concept for 10 years now. There are exceptions though. Delta improved their site 2 years ago (after doing nothing for 5 years) when they finally got a hold of delta.com.

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    DS 101: Review of Mike’s Stupid Comics

    Digital Strips : Show 101
    [8.75 MB]
    Welcome to the turn of our century. We have for you a new treat. The first one is a review of last year’s winner of the We Love Web Comics Contest and to top it off we bring Mike Laidman on the show. Don’t think he is getting off that easy. He looks to have joined us for the first of many shows where we review the show in front of the artist.

    In this episode we talk about:

  • Mike’s Stupid Comics by Mike Laidman
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    We Love Web Comics 2007

    We’ve just posted our 100th podcast and we’re quickly coming up on our 2 year anneversary. I believe we all know what that means. The third annual We Love Web Comics contest is upon us and it’s time to figure out what the prize is going to be.

    This year the way it works is I’m throwing in $200 of the site’s money as a base. Here’s where you come in. Anything that get’s sent to me between now and the beginning of the contest gets thrown into the pot. Anything in the pot will be photoed and posted with contest in addition to every single item being listed and linked to on the site.

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    Sunday news

    The latest scandal, some financial advice, and the funnies—who needs dead-tree newspapers when you’ve got Digital Strips?

    Pwned! Penny Arcade delivers a well-deserved kick in the pants to Sony for their ill-advised attempt to market PSP3 with a fake blog. PA’s commentary is scathing.

    Can you make a living doing webcomics? That’s what Gary Tyrrell at Fleen is trying to figure out. He looks at basic assumptions and asks readers who have their own webcomics to send their info along, Continue reading
