[News] Eyeskream Second Anniversary Contest

It’s that time of year again where all you’re juicy web comic dreams come true. Contests galore are upon us and to start it off is Eyeskream’s Second Anniversary Contest. You might remember last year’s contest was for members only but this year even little Johnny can put his two cents in. Don’t worry though because your favorite two podcast hosts are joining the judge’s panel to keep Erik in line. From the press release:

We have over $200 worth of prizes to give, like a Wacom Tablet, an Eyeskream T-Shirt and a One Year Continue reading


[Post] Zampzon, I Know You’re Out There Somewhere

I love drawing comics. I’m not known by and large as a cartoonist and I’m certainly not a professional, but I carry around a sketchbook with me almost everywhere I go and draw comics every chance I get even if it is for my own amusement or the amusement of my friends and family. I just wanted to get that out there before I go on here. Some of you may be asking yourselves what has been going on with Zampzon and Digital Strips. I know I’ve been noticeably absent for weeks now. Continue reading


[News] Housd Hits One Thousand!

Hello boys and girls. Remember me? I know I haven’t been around a whole lot lately, but I wanted to hop online and let everyone know about a really great milestone one of my favorite comics has reached. I just thought everyone should take note that HOUSD is about to post it’s 1,000th comic to the web. Geeze, one thousand freaking comics. No matter how you slice it, that is a lot of work and dedication. We send out our sincerest congratulations to Ali Graham for all the effort he’s put into entertaining us all … for free. Be sure to stop by tomorrow when many thoughts and much fan artwork will be posted on the HOUSD site in celebration. And if you happen to be at the UK Web and Mini Comix Thing be sure to stop by and pat Ali on the back in person. Nice going Ali!


[News] Web Comic Wrap-up

And you thought this thread was dead. Let’s see if we can’t get back on top of all the news we’ve missed reporting.

KomikwerksJohnny Saturn, a gritty superhero webcomic created by Scott Story and Benita Story started updating on the Komikwerks. It will update 7 days a week until it runs through the archives; thereafter new episodes will update every Saturday. The strip is described as a mix of Greek mythology, angels and demons, battles with addiction, and 19th century Romanticism resulting in some pretty bizarre tales.

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[Post] Vote For Me and I’ll be Your Best Friend

This is more of a question than a post.

If you’re anything of a web comic reader, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of buttons along side your favorite strips for you to vote for your favorite strip. For those who don’t know, these are links for various top 100 sites, like Buzzcomix or TopWebComics, where strips battle it out in popularity contests.

For the longest time I wouldn’t vote because I was paranoid of clicking stuff after a bad experience with punching a monkey.

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[News] Introducing the Web Comic Section of Your Local Paper

I had this idea six months ago! The thought is that a review site would be the perfect place to find a list of comics your readers would be interested in reading. My biggest reservation was the very reason I thought it was a good idea. There’s all these hundreds of good web comics that are good because there’s no editor to tell them how to be funny. They don’t have to hold back and have no schedule to force themselves to produce back jokes when they have writer’s block.

It’s a perfect nightmare to mange.

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[News] When Does a Comic Go To Far?

I know you were wondering when I would get around to covering this. At first I thought this was just an interesting story. As I reported before, last fall Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten published several cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad in a not so flattering light. The difference now is what was once a peaceful protest where 11 countries were writing letters to Denmark complaining has turned into a full blown violent protest.

The question begs, how far should freedom of speech be protected? Continue reading


[Post] Garfield Funny Again?

It’s been awhile since I’ve made my rounds of the webcomic news sites and I was surprised by just how much I had missed. The nicest surprise has been a recent post by Eric. Growing up I have always loved Garfield. I even have the very first book ever published. You can imagine though how disappointed I was to find the strip never grew up with me. As much as I love cats that lovable fat cat never changed and kept telling the same old stale jokes about his weight and torturing Jon and Odie.

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[Post] The Geek Ponders Update Schedules

One of my favorite webcomics hasn’t been updating regularly recently.

I won’t say which one because I don’t want anyone to think less of the creator because he does have a legitimate excuse. I know he had fair reason to not update because he explained himself in the news section under his comic.

There seems to be a school of thought floating around the webcomics world that there is never a situation that would allow for missing an update. Work conflicts, illness, death nothing strikes these people as a fair reason to deprive these people of the daily requirements of comics.

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[News] Happy Burt Reynolds Day everybody

I’m a sucker for holidays. It doesn’t matter which one, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Arbor Day, Wintereenmas, I love the general feeling of fun and good will that surrounds them.

Today is Burt Reynolds day. I guess since tomorrow is actually Burt Reynolds birthday today would by Burt Reynolds day observed. Either way, several strips across the Web are taking part in paying homage to the man.

Yirmumah started this whole thing last year (as far as I can tell, if I’m wrong let me know) and now several other strips Continue reading
