This is more of a question than a post.
If you’re anything of a web comic reader, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of buttons along side your favorite strips for you to vote for your favorite strip. For those who don’t know, these are links for various top 100 sites, like Buzzcomix or TopWebComics, where strips battle it out in popularity contests.
For the longest time I wouldn’t vote because I was paranoid of clicking stuff after a bad experience with punching a monkey.
A few months later, I built up the courage and started voting. I developed a little bit of a problem, voting for my favorite strips over and over from different computers in the labs at my school. I feel really bad about it now.
But now, I hardly vote anymore. I just don’t care. I will vote from time to time if there’s some bonus art available that I really want to see, but even then I rarely bother.
My question for you, dear readers, do you vote? Do you care? Do you get caught up in the competitive nature of such voting services, or do you find it too reminiscent of high school elections? I’m always curious of what other people think.
Like I said, I don’t vote, but I do visit these sites from time to time. I like to see what strips are popular (or at least have the most dedicated following) but mostly I like looking through the bottom of the list looking for new strips that I haven’t heard of.
Top 100 lists are such a part of the Internet there’s a lot more I could say, but this post is long enough for now.
VG Cats gave me quite a smile today; check it out if you haven’t read it yet.
I vote for Obscured By Species because they used to have amusing vote incentives. They\’ve since departed, but I still vote.
Peter C. Hayward
Weekly Webcomic Reviews
I think webcomic voting is a wasted effort at best. So what if you\’re more popular than _______. What does that prove anyway? If people like your stuff, they\’ll come back and visit. That\’s the vote that should count instead.
I vote, but only for comics that I see aren\’t on the top lists, and that I think deserve to be there. Other than that, I vote for my own, and I\’m a sinner in that way.
To me, though, it\’s a bit unfair. What makes webcomics more popular than others? NOTHING! It\’s all about getting more and more people to see it, regardless of whether or not they are good! So I don\’t vote on anything other than that.
The only real reason to use any of these sites is to drive traffic to your comic. For me, it\’s just another resource to getting yourself some attention which, in the webcomic world, is the name of the game. As far as who\’s number one or whatever, it\’s kind of meaningless, really.With so many factors involved, it\’s very difficult to truly gauge the popularity of your comic on the web. It\’s almost not worth obsessing over. Just draw, baby! Make that eye-candy and have fun.
I agree with Tony. For me, I\’ve received more visits from voting sites than almost anywhere else. I feel a bit cheap and tawdry slapping voting buttons all over my site, and I think it makes the site look a bit unprofessional, but it\’s a good way to start out and build an audience. I\’ll probably remove them at some point when I feel a little more secure with my readership.
The problem with top lists is they\’re not lists of the most popular comics. It\’s amazing how many people regard them as such, or think that being ranked high on them grants one credibility. They\’re really lists of the comics that solicit the most votes.
I put up voting buttons for my comic because the lists send a decent amount of traffic my way, and I have fun coming up with the voting incentives.