No Otakon For Me

Well, it looks like my plans for attending Otakon this weekend have been dashed. They removed the online registration before I had a chance to register and now they say they will probably sell out some time Friday, a day before I was to arrive. Curses.

There will be other cons I suppose. And next time I’ll remember to register earlier.


First Strip Collection of HOUSD Now Available

Popular cartoonist Ali Graham has just announced the release of the first collection of his comic strip HOUSD available in his first book. The new book, titled HOUSD Classic, is self published through Lulu and includes an online preview of the book.

Ali has also put up an original piece of artwork on eBay. You can see the auction here. The motive behind these money making projects? He’s trying to get to Comic Con 2006 of course. So, help the guy out if you can.


The Imryll Contest Concludes

Jimmy Gardner, the cartoonist behind the online comic Imryll, recently held a pretty interesting contest. He posted a fully drawn and colored comic strip without the dialogue and asked his readers to submit potential text. The contest is now over and you can see the results in the winning entry.

We’ve seen a lot of contests held by web comic creators and have even done a few ourselves. I always love coming across new contest ideas and this one was pretty good.


When 168 Hours Is Just Not Enough

We said he was crazy for attempting 168 hours of straight comic writing but then it turns out that being named Ryan implies that you’re crazy. Enter Ryan Armand, who completed his own 168 page comic in less then 168 hours. Any more Ryans out there? Estrada attempted the 168 page marathon to hold a record and there was no way he was just going to give up. So instead of the 168 hour comic we are getting the 336 hour comic fortnight.

The conclusion? Ryan Estrada is going to make it 300 hours before he realizes he’s forgotten how to do anything except stay up and create comics. He’s simply never going to stop.


New Artist at Least I Could Do

Now they’ve gone and done it. We met these guys at ConnectiCon and we were completely impressed by their whole operation. So much so that we grabbed an interview with Ryan, Chad, and Randy and asked them question after question. Of course I won’t forget the panel these guys gave at the end of the day Friday which went on for 2 hours, an hour over their scheduled time. You wouldn’t believe the topics covered, well if you read the strip you just might.

Continue reading


DS 32: Review of Surliness

Digital Strips : Show 32 [16 MB]
This week we play another interview we recorded during ConnectiCon 2005. We speak with Richard Dachtera, the cartoonist behind Surliness. This web comic follows the antics of an IT department on a college campus and a mutant lobster man.Also during the show we talk about Ryan Estrada, the new Digital Strips comic section to our site, and my upcoming visit to Otakon. Do you want to hear a sound seeing tour for Otakon like I did for ConnectiCon? Be sure to let us know by emailing the show.

This week we talk about :

  • Surliness by Richard Dachtera
  • Continue reading


    Ryan Estrada’s 168 Hour Comic Inspires Fan Outpouring

    Ryan Estrada is currently attempting to complete a 168 hour comic. He has sequestered himself in a trailer in order to work in a controlled environment and is actually nearing the end. At the time of this post Ryan has announced on his site that he just past hour 133, which already breaks the record for continuous comic creation.

    Ryan reports an outpouring of support coming to him from the web comics community in the form of, what else, comics. Continue reading


    National Cartoon Museum Moves to Empire State Building

    According to the New York Times, the National Cartoon Museum will be moving into the first three floors of the Empire State Building in downtown Manhattan. Mort Walker, the founder of the Museum and the creator of Beetle Bailey, announced that the new location will be opening in Fall of 2006.

    Here’s a quote from the NY Times article: “The museum, to open in the fall of 2006, will contain 200,000 original cartoons from more than 50 countries as well as 10,000 books and 1,000 hours of animation, worth about $20 million. Continue reading


    The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the Print World

    With the continued rise of web comics as a true medium one can’t help but poke fun at the print world, but even we have to admit there is good out there.

    The Good – On Aug 4th Ted Rall posted a shocking strip concerning how there have actually been 9,000 deaths as a result of the Iraq war.

    More Good – The Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J. is actually seeking the opinions of its readers by running samples of 13 strips that Continue reading
