Ryan Estrada’s 168 Hour Comic Inspires Fan Outpouring

Ryan Estrada is currently attempting to complete a 168 hour comic. He has sequestered himself in a trailer in order to work in a controlled environment and is actually nearing the end. At the time of this post Ryan has announced on his site that he just past hour 133, which already breaks the record for continuous comic creation.

Ryan reports an outpouring of support coming to him from the web comics community in the form of, what else, comics. He has received a library of comics that people have been creating for him to encourage his efforts. All the comics he’s gotten so far can be found on his site.

I myself have contributed to the fan art and you can see the comic I sent him here:

On that note, be sure to click on the Digital Strips: The Comic link now on the site to open my own comic strip. I’ll be updating the comic at least once a week along with the show posts, but I reserve the right to upload new comics during the week should the inspiration strike me.


1 thought on “Ryan Estrada’s 168 Hour Comic Inspires Fan Outpouring

  1. Ah, good to ahve the archive assembled there. Noticing a couple I\’ve missed as well.

    Funny coincidence about that there Ocular Trauma. Just finished my review of it, since it was the owner of said comic who won the auction.

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