The hugely successful Webcomic Hurricane Relief Telethon, organized by Brad Guigar and Blank Label Comics, has now passed. But, the effort continues. The site for the telethon will remain up and available for the foreseeable future and the next stage of charity is at hand. Blank Label Comics has collected many of the comics that were used in the telethon into a printed collection and now you can order the book.
Category Archives: Web Comics in Print
Muffin Time Releases Their First Book
Jin Wicked Releases Second Printed Volume of Comic Collection, Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break
Jin Wicked, the cartoonist behind the excellent web comic Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break, has just released volume two of her printed collection of comics. This volume collects comics numbered 101-200 that features the semi-biographical stories of Jin’s life and friends. The book is also full of extra artwork and commentary from Jin herself. You can order the book from her online store with
Web Comic Original Artwork Market
If you are in the market for some original web comic artwork this month is a good time to get your hands on some good pieces.
Wes Molebash, the cartoonist from Viper Comics, has started selling his original comic strip art from his strip You’ll Have That. Wes is clearly reluctant to sell the work, but those Wacom tablets don’t grow on trees. You can get an original piece by contacting Wes through this post on his message board.
First Strip Collection of HOUSD Now Available
Popular cartoonist Ali Graham has just announced the release of the first collection of his comic strip HOUSD available in his first book. The new book, titled HOUSD Classic, is self published through Lulu and includes an online preview of the book.
Ali has also put up an original piece of artwork on eBay. You can see the auction here. The motive behind these money making projects? He’s trying to get to Comic Con 2006 of course. So, help the guy out if you can.
Web Comic Generates $40,000.00 Revenue in Less Than Two Hours
Just before the recent San Diego Comic Con the guys from Penny Arcade, known online as Gabe and Tycho, made available a limited edition print of one of their characters, the Cardboard Tube Samurai. The high quality cel was printed on industrial grade Mylar and included a laser-etched Penny Arcade medallion and a signature card mounted on the bottom. 750 prints were made at a price of $80 per print. 250 were sold at the convention after which the remaining 500 were made available through their online store at Think Geek.
Little Gamers Offer Latest Book … For Free
We just received this press release from the guys behind Little Gamers. It appears that their latest book is being offered as a free download to their fans and readers. Here are the details from the announcement:
“The creators of the vastly popular online comic “Little Gamers” ( releases a printable PDF- version of their first book for free at their site. Continue reading
Penny Arcade Book Details
One of the most polarizing comics on the web, and one of my personal favorites, is Penny Arcade. Love them or hate them you’ve most likely at least heard of them. Their popularity and notoriety reaches far and wide across the web comic micro-verse so it would seem only natural that Gabe and Tycho would have a high selling printed book of their comic. However, that is not the case.
Megatokyo #3 on Bookscan
For everyone who thinks keeping every strip of a web comic posted in archives free for anyone is a deterrent to selling hard copies should look again. Megatokyo volume 3 reached the third spot on the BookScan list of graphic novels sold in bookstores for the week ending February 20th.
Thanks to Comixpedia.