Who Needs Trees?

We all love getting our favorite comics in nice handheld versions and we like them even more when they go on sale. Our current tree-hugging haters are:

Tastefully Done – Tastefully Done, the first ever nude webcomic character’s calendar (a mouthful in itself) is now available from Lulu. Tastefully Done see’s the likes of Ivan Pope, Ali Graham, Gordon McAlpin, Charles Woolbright, Chris Jones, Bryan Chojnowski, Pontus Madsen and Christian Fundin, Fred Grisolm, Philip Spence, Rich Dachtera, Robert Koch, Ramón Pérez and Rob Coughler. The cover being designed by Continue reading


Bring Down The Trees

While going through our email I noticed a lack news being sent to us. Then I slapped myself in the face and remembered everyone has been faithfully submitting news through the site. Boy do I feel like an idiot. Perhaps you will forgive as I empty out the queue on the tail of traffic coming from the Times?

Elf `n Troll – There are now five books from the unexhaustible AP Furtado. Each book is 24 pages long while the fifth book takes you on the wonderful story of what happens when you have an angry Troll, a missing Elf, a mysterious warrior, a pack of crazed Goblins, and a malevolent witch? Continue reading


Web Comic Wrap-up

Yep, it’s another post from me today. I bet your wondering just how I managed to do that when I’ve been so consistently absent. Well I’m not going to tell you the story of breaking free from the chains of oppression and answered those questions three that were asked of me. So sit back as I pour through a long list of tasks and fill up your RSS feeder with my random babblings.

Elf `n Troll – I don’t know how Tony keeps it up but he’s completed his fourth serial for this delightful fantasy strip. Continue reading


Web Comic Wrap-up

Why do I keep getting all this email about web comics? Oh that’s right, we have a blog covering the world of webcomics. You’d think after the amazing traffic over the past couple weeks you would think I would get it through my head. On to the news!

Rainbow Orchid
– What’s this? There’s another site dedicated to covering comics. It may need to narrow it’s field a little to the next wave of the future but it’s nice it was introduced to me in reference to a web comic. The artist behind Rainbow Orchid, Garen Ewing, was interviewed and posted for your reading pleasure.

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[News] Where Are All The Trees?

I’ve always wondered the reasoning behind putting a web comic in print. The most successful web comics all have their content for free, so why put all your content in an inarguably less accessible form? Of course you could always carry a book around to more places you have internet access but I’m lazy. That makes me think it’s for a more sentimental or possibly even charitible but then I’ll assume most of you are just as selfish as myself. I just like to show everyone just how well read I am.

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[News] Web Comic Wrap Up

Now that the contest is closed we’re ready to get back to the business that is web comic news.

Komikwerks – Every time these guys get quiet I only sit back in anticipation as I know there’s only good news on the horizon. A couple weeks ago was no exception. Two webcomics have joined it’s roster in THE FRONT by Jerzy Drozd and PPV by Drozd and writer Tom Root. You may remember our review of The Front which make rank as our favorite superhero comic.

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Zampzon’s After-Holiday Mega Post

Greetings webcomic fanatics! I have returned from my journeys abroad refreshed and ready to continue the Digital Strips mission, bringing quality comic content to the forefront of the web browsing populace.

To kick things off for 2006 I’ve been pouring through the pile of email that gathered while I was away. Here are most of the things that struck me as potentially interesting to our readers. I haven’t finished reading through all of Comixpedia, Websnark, I’m Just Saying, and the rest of my webcomic news trawl, so if I’m late in reporting any of this … tough!

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Webcomics Swag

It’s that time of year when we celebrate political correctness and commercialism. What better way to do that then spending your new found money (which you had already spent buying presents for other people) on the best kind of gift? So here are several ways to make that most important person in your life happy and entertained.

Asylumantics – Chris has put together his third book but instead of printing his archive he’s taking a little different approach. Haunted Pixel Studios is taking pre-orders The Asylumantics: The First Four Years, Continue reading


Three New Comics to Sail the Seven Seas

Hark, the Geek speaks.

Three more webcomics have found their way into publishedness. Seven Seas Entertainment has announced that they will be releasing a series of full color trade paperbacks featuring the popular manga-based comics Earthsong, Inverloch and Chugworth Academy.

According to the announcement made Monday, the series should begin to appear in bookstores about halfway into next year. Seven Seas a newer company but is already making a name for itself. You can read more about the company and the announcement here.

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Web Comic Wrap-up

You had to know one of these was coming. There’s been a slight flood of news over the past week and perhaps I can lessen the tide.

Small Press Expo – SPX has come and gone and there was more then a few web comics making their presence know. At this Con outside of DC they have the Ignatz Awards which recognize outstanding achievement in comics and cartooning. A panel of five cartoonists develop the ballot, which is then voted on by SPX attendees. One of the categories is Outstanding Online Comic which was won by The Perry Bible Fellowship (Nicholas Gurewitch) this year.

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