Episode 398: Go Include Yourself (Horizons Watch feat. Frostblight Saga and Parallax)

Vasectomy Madness from Virginia UrologyIt’s madness, y’all! March, that is. After the guys run down all the hot sports scores, it’s time to get down to what they do best: webcomics. There’s talk about Superfogeys coming back soon, Loading Artist becoming a full-time comic, and quick hits on A Small Revolution and Octopus and Bunny. Finally, a Horizons peek at Frostblight Saga and Parallax. At the buzzer … IT’S GOOD!!!


Episode 397: A Big, Fun, Stinkin’ Ball of Trope (Review feat. Demon Archives)

Terry Pratchett's DiscworldSteve has read some Terry Pratchett, while Jason has not, but they agree that it’s well worth investing yourself in. There’s also talk about Brainchild, Dr. Cat, M.D., and Demon Archives. Prepare for the apocalypse! Then, just … wait, I guess? Enjoy your coma!

The midshow music is provided by Rob Gasser.


Episode 396: There Are No Moa (Review feat. M.F.K.)

Nickelback: The one, true rock bandRock Band is returning! But do Steve and Jason care? Find out the answer to that, plus their thoughts on the comics, Witchy, Patbird and Galesaur, and M.F.K. They also offer their thoughts on modern video gaming technologies and how old it all makes them feel. Can’t miss!

The midshow music is provided by Coyote Kisses.


Episode 395: Reign It In (Review feat. The Last Halloween)

The Firefly MMONo matter which color you see, you can trust that we talk about wrestling, Steven Universe, and why bad things happen to good shows. That, plus looks at comics like Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, Parallax, and The Last Halloween. Stick around after the brief outro music for a discussion of the upcoming Mortal Kombat game.

The midshow music is provided by Baq5.
