DS 694: Review of Brainchild

John Candy as Barf looks perplexed or worried in Spaceballs

We briefly take the Eisner’s to task for their webcomic nominees in the 2022 awards before smacking our heads and going on a beautifully terrifying trip with Suzanne Geary’s Brainchild on this week’s episode of Digital Strips!


Episode 397: A Big, Fun, Stinkin’ Ball of Trope (Review feat. Demon Archives)

Terry Pratchett's DiscworldSteve has read some Terry Pratchett, while Jason has not, but they agree that it’s well worth investing yourself in. There’s also talk about Brainchild, Dr. Cat, M.D., and Demon Archives. Prepare for the apocalypse! Then, just … wait, I guess? Enjoy your coma!

The midshow music is provided by Rob Gasser.
