Digital Strips Podcast 324 – Review: Paranatural

This week we’re looking at Paranatural, the best comic featuring a magic plunger that we’ve ever read.

We start out this week on the one thing people expect from us and no other podcast, four minutes of sports talk, spawned by an Iron Man reference. We learn Steve’s opinion on school fight songs and processed lunch meats.

Then we do some simple talk about the new Xbox and why naming this is dumb, Jason’s idea for someone to make a crapload of money, and he admits most things he does make him feel sad about his life.

Jason also finds a new source of comics and in doing so has found several new ones including Charmy’s Army, a comic he liked but hated how it starts. Steve still gets his (Newman in this case) the old fashion way; randomly clicking links.

We then dive right into the comic which of course starts with us talking about the creators names and other important things including Jason judging the characters of Saved by the Bell very harshly and then admitting to the greatest sin in webcomic reviewerdom. We then have a heck of a time trying to put our thoughts into words. It leads to some interesting analogies.



Digital Strips Podcast 323 – Horizons Watch – Monster’s Garden and Bad Reputation

Pork Chop Sandwiches!Few episodes take care of themselves as well as this one. Everything kind of falls into place and the segments just find their way, usually led by a webcomic or two. Our only news mention is of Table Titans (3:50), and the only news to note is that Twitter can be an awesome tool sometimes. I mentioned that the responsive design (web design term, Google it) for the site was breaking the viewing experience at certain dimensions to Scott Kurtz. Then, later that evening, I was going back and forth with whoever runs the Table Titans Twitter account.

Our featured comics for Whatcha Been Readin’ are both notable, one for its creator, and the other for its title.

In honor of the 25th anniversary of Mega Man 2 (widely regarded as one of the greatest games of all time), The Gameological Society (a sister site to The A.V. Club, itself a sibling to The Onion) did an entire day’s worth of content dedicated to the Blue Bomber. With the opening theme to the game shallowly leaping its way into my heart, I figured I could hunt down a remix for this week’s break. This one is brought to us by DaddyCat and features dubstep (10:37). Yep, another one.

Our Horizons are set on two promising up-and-comers:

Even the Rambletron rolls along, like a well-oiled, junky machine. Fueling its tanks this week: G.I. Joe PSAs, Star Trek is the same as Star Wars, Jason is a terrible hype man, Steve harbors some dark, furry secrets, and honestly, we really don’t care what you smell.


Digital Strips Podcast 322 – Book Club – Gunnerkrigg Court, Fourth Edition

We kick things off be talking about what I’m sure is one everyone’s mind: pineapple. Our insightful take on this most important issue for our day that could have changed the lives of millions was quickly derailed by a descent into what Steve, Jason and Steve’s son think of people who make different live choices. Steve mourns the lose of a potential good transtion.
We get in to Jason’s pick (Escape from Burgertown) which comes with no information beyond the name Zac Gorman. As usual, Steve’s pick (Moth City) is completely diffrent, has more information, but you have to put up with his nonsense, which usually isn’t worth it.
We ramble about cursing at work and how Steve’s company combats it as well as how long it’s been since Steve watched a commerical.
After that we jump junk deep into Part 4 of Gunnerkrigg Court. We talk about how many story threads we’re going through and what it takes to keep up with them.
It’s a good time. Enjoy.