Digital Strips Podcast 322 – Book Club – Gunnerkrigg Court, Fourth Edition

We kick things off be talking about what I’m sure is one everyone’s mind: pineapple. Our insightful take on this most important issue for our day that could have changed the lives of millions was quickly derailed by a descent into what Steve, Jason and Steve’s son think of people who make different live choices. Steve mourns the lose of a potential good transtion.
We get in to Jason’s pick (Escape from Burgertown) which comes with no information beyond the name Zac Gorman. As usual, Steve’s pick (Moth City) is completely diffrent, has more information, but you have to put up with his nonsense, which usually isn’t worth it.
We ramble about cursing at work and how Steve’s company combats it as well as how long it’s been since Steve watched a commerical.
After that we jump junk deep into Part 4 of Gunnerkrigg Court. We talk about how many story threads we’re going through and what it takes to keep up with them.
It’s a good time. Enjoy.

Nintendo Fan Art Is NEVER A Bad Thing

Following so many folks via social media turns up some great finds from time to time, and this one, via the Tiny Cartridge Tumblr blog (billed as “… Pretty Much The Best Nintendo DS Site Ever”), is a great example of this. A site featuring the work of Zac Gorman has been unearthed by these NDS experts and it is something.

Click after the jump for an example of the Kate Beaton-esque fan art on offer from Gorman and check out the entire site (and bookmark it, as I have already done) for even more amazing, hilarious depictions of your favorite Nintendo-branded characters.

Why won't you stay down?
