Digital Strips Podcast 307 – Year in Review 2012

Beyond the fact we’ve overcome our fear of vacuum cleaners what sets us apart form the animals is the fact that we, as a species, have traditions. Doing the same thing over and over every year just because you did it last year is the opposable thumbs of society.

One of the greatest of these traditions is the year end review show right here on Digital Strips where we take a look back at the year in web comics as it directly relates to us.

This year we discuss how Jason can’t feel the holiday spirit because he’s too busy thinking about Frosty the Snowman’s mental state. We learn that Steve thinkings everthing is a test. We learn Jason doesn’t read the things he’s reading

Horizons Watch notables:
Alpha Flag
Unicorn Soup
Shiver Berueu
Zen Pencils
Monster Kind
Disappointing Monsters
Space Mullet

Jason’s Pick: Zen Pencils – it makes him feel like crap but he likes the abuse. Maybe all he needs is a little encouragement.

Steve’s Pick: Unicon Soup – It’s just like him, and he likes it because of that. Yeah he’s kinda shallow like that.

Rambletron classic – #1 Steve discusses his hygiene issues and his proud family heritage.

Next Town Over
Anyone for Rhubarb
Blue Yonder
Kiwi Blitz
Rock Manlyfist
Little League
Nightmare Pro wrestling
Lake Nowhere

Steve’s Pick: Anyone for Rhubarb – just as unique as the fruit (vegetable?) it’s named after it brings the funny and actually puts said funny in his RSS feed where he can easily access it at work.

Jason’s Pick: Rock Manlyfist – his a little ashamed of his own pick as well he should be of a comic that involves boning a country to keep your head from exploding.

Rambletron classic – #2 Remember that time Steve’s kid pooped at church? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Repitilis Rex
Battle pug

Steve’s Pick: Bug– Steve loves bug, and he doesn’t care how that sounds

Jason’s Pick: The Trenches – he doesn’t know who draws it but he loves it anyway, go figure art boy.

That’s it for this year, see ya’ll in 2013.


Digital Strips Podcast 306 – Horizons Watch – Disappointing Monsters and Space Mullet

With the end of the year looming over us like some sort of freaky cartoon owl, we realized we’ve been very negligent of out Horizon Watching responsibilities.

So we’re going out in style with two more brand new comics. Or brand new to us anyway, and hopefully for you too. We start out in the horror comedy end of the spectrum with Disappointing Monsters, a gag-a-rific look at zombies, Chathulu and David Lynch. We then jump into pure sci-fi with Space Mullet, easily my winner for best new comic name of 2012.

We also do what everyone has used the internet since Al gore crapped HTTP out his butt, talked about funny videos we’ve seen. Which leads into the most cultural conversation we’ve had in months. Don’t worry, we end up talking about Rob Schieder pretty soon after so it evens out.

We have another instantly regrettable musical numbers Digital Strips is so famous for.

We talk about what we’ve been reading and how apparently Jason’s been reading every comic he’s ever heard of. We talk about proper attribution and proper not stealing peoples stuff-ness and about how Mark Zuckerberg is responsible for so much evil.

Finally we solve the world’s capcha problem. You’re welcome.

Show Notes:
Animals being dicks 2:45
Next Town Over 6:45
Blue Yonder 7:00
The Trouble and Dangerous 7:15
Broodhollow 8:45
Skull shaped Heart 9:45
I am Arg 24:15
Shiver Bureau 27:00

Music thanks to Zoned


Digital Strips Podcast 305 – Review – The Petri Dish

I just realized that Digital Strips is basically James Bond. We’re cheesy. We follow the same formula each time. We’ve been around way longer than most people realize. We’ve had several different male sex-symbols take the lead role. We have a license. It isn’t to kill however, it’s to call out Web comics creators on their word bubbles.

This week we’re looking a new school Web comic with an old school feel, The Petri Dish by John Sutton. If you like your gag-a-day full of lots of robots and set up but without all that art or actual science in the way, then this may be the comic for you. I say may be because this is another episode full of arguments. Tune in to get both sides of the story.

We talk about James Bond, horrible people you can run into at the movies, jokes that don’t land and those that do, why people who don’t draw are lazy turds and how to end world guy-hunger. We also learn that on the rare occasions that I bring the pain, it’s because I have to poop. We argue about whether or not I’m saying nice things about this comic.

For the first time ever, we spend more time talking about about a comic’s JavaScript than it’s art.

For our middle music I finally found a song that speaks to me as a rare hick/geek, “Corn-fed Kong” by David Wise.

Not much in the way of show notes, but here’s what we got:

Poorly Drawn Lines
White Ninja
My Cardboard Life
My Milk Toof


Digital Strips Podcast 304 – Review – Walking On Broken Glass

It’s that time of year, the one that makes everything we touch, everything we do, everything we attempt both scatter-brained and unfocused. Why, take this podcast, for instance. Sure, it’s well-intentioned and full of mirth, but behind that joyful facade lies a think layer of respiratory ails and troubled children. Sometimes these circumstances breed the best podcasts though, so we’ll see what turns up this time around.

How about the Wii U? Enough webcomics have focused on the newest kit from Nintendo to make it a worthwhile topic on our show. And since I actually have first-hand accounts of the magical, mystical device, all the better! If that’s not enough, we also have comics we’ve been reading, checking out, and talking about:

Our featured review comic this episode purports to have a heavy dose of the supernatural (our discussion reveals possibly otherwise), so I’m using that as an excuse for another awesome remix of Castlevania tunes from Overclocked Remix.

Using the copy direct from the comic’s website, our review centers around a comic that features “a supernatural office dramedy romance about murder”.

It’s hard to say whether we just don’t get this comic because it’s not “for us”, or if it just doesn’t hit enough of the right notes to sing the way its potential would have you believe it does. That distinction aside, the work on this comic has come a long way since the beginning back in October of 2010. Our recommendation is that you plow through the archives yourself and come back to us with your thoughts on this unique webcomic.

Also, don’t forget our thoughts on why we hate all of you one-webcomic-reading bastards, Steve confusing The Honeymooners with Moonlighting, me admitting to watching Moonlighting (my parents’ fault, I swear), and why Steve and I are both tired of picnics. Enjoy!
