Digital Strips 236 – Review : Remind

Happy Birthday to me boy and girls! It’s time for another fun filled episode of Digital Strips. This time we tackle Remind, by Jason Brubaker an epic tale of love, betrayal and cats in powersuits.

We start out as we often do, quickly off topic as we discuss the greatest of all heroes, the Ghostbusters. We then wander aimlessly about movies/TV/spoilers and Jason’s flaws for about five minutes.

After that we start hitting Web Comics. We get all sciencey, the only way we know how, by talking about XKCD (7:00) and the awesome radiation chart that he made to help put the nuclear events in Japan in perspective. I love talking about this comic, because it makes me feel smarter than I really am. We also chat about the changes at Superfogeys (7:30) with Mark Lapierre formally of Boxcar Astronaut.

We also briefly mention Achewood (7:45) and it’s current Hiatus. Not much more to say, no matter how hard I’ve tried, I could never get this comic. We also talk about the art theft that seems to repeatedly happen to Jess Fink.

We finally get in talk about Remind at about 14:30. We talk about its art style, its story, its characters and about how it could have been a horror story if it studied hard and but it’s mind to it. We compare it to two of our favorite comics Rice-Boy (15:45) and Lovecraft is Missing (22:15).

It’s a good time and not one to be missed by any cool guy or girl with an interest in good comics on the Web.


Digital Strips 235 – Book Club: Templar Az, Chapter 5

Holy friggin’ butt monkeys. Steve is updating on time. Take that past performance!

This week we jump back on the smelly Greyhound and head South to Templar Arizona for the final episode of Digital Strips Book Club dedicated to this comic. We discuss what’s happened in the story, what that means to the characters and most importantly, what that means to us as readers.

But before we get all AP English on people, we start out talking about the comics that has stood out to us this last week.

Twilight Monk2:45 We reviewed this comic and couple months ago, but thanks to our “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, Trent Kaniuga just barely found out. He posted a nice note with his link on his site and it made us visibly blush and verbally gush for a couple minutes.

Realm of Friggin’ Atland4:45 It’s back baby. The long months of waiting for the return of one of my top 50 comics (which is quite the honor given how much time I waste spend reading web comics) is back and of to rip roaring start.

SuperFogeys 5:45 Jason worked the system to see a future episode and he brags about it.

Listen Now9:00 A listener sent in these comic and I found myself reading it so I tell people about it.

During the break I sneak in a plug for our new side project. It’s still a baby but we love it.

We then jump into the real show. We talk about the comic, it’s huge list of character that seems to be slowing in growth and the sudden jumps, which are not getting any less sudden. I discuss my theory that this story is actually more of a play story structure than that of a comic. Then we jump into the characters, which ones have grown and improved and which ones bore the butts right off of us. Then we give our final thoughts over all.

Next weeks show will be about Remind so check that comic out and let us know what you think. We’d love to read some comments from the listens in the show.


Digital Strips 234 – Horizons Watch: Corporate Skull and Kick Girl

UPDATED: Midnight here, filling in for Steve, who once again darted off to points unknown with nary a word beforehand. I’ll fill in the blanks for this episode via his hastily scrawled notes. Also, I promise not to sound so off-in-a-cave-somewhere-ish next time.

It’s only right to start this Horizons Watch episode with a comic that shows tremendous promise, despite only having one page posted thus far:

Next up, a mention of the perfect “WTF But This Is Awesome” comic on the web trifecta comprised of:

What is indie? What does this term mean for the various mediums it inhabits? Listen up in the first segment for our thoughts on the matter…

Definitely not in the WTF camp but certainly worth mentioning whenever possible:

This week’s Webcomics News Minute (10:45) has some great mentions, all in a neat, compact case you can carry in your pocket!

Other comics mentioned in our wake:

The music in the Music Break comes to us from the land of goodness that is Overclocked Remix. This particular remix is titled “Mega Man 2: QuickDraw” (17:36). I miss my arm cannon already…

Our Horizons picks this week are varied and awesome, as (nearly) always.

In our discussions we also bring up:

Finally, check the outtakes for that engaging conversation about the previously mentioned Messed Up Amish Guy.


Digital Strips 233 – Review : Billy the Dunce

I’m back cool guys and girls and bring with my the 233rd episode of Digital Strips (now the question is, what did you get me?).

We waste no time (well no more than usual) as we get right back into the swing of things reviewing a comic that brings much comicness to the table. I’ve been holding back waves of web comics criticism for the last month and I and just aching to get it out. Billy the Dunce by Jason Week is the first comic to step up to the torrential downpour of opinion that wells up side me. Is it comic enough to stand up to the task? Listen and find out.

Oh and I guess Jason is in this one too. Proving he knows way too much about Full House.

Show Notes (now with time stamps)

News Section

Bun bun – 6:13
Oatmeal – 6:26
Not Invented Here – 6:39
Kate Beaton – 7:00
Perry Bible Fellowship – 7:04
Strewth – 7:10
BattlePug – 7:22

This Weeks middle song id
Frets of Fury by Vertrexguy

Review starts at 14:00
ChickenHare 16:03
Hereville , Pigtails and Potbellies, Bean, Snowflakes 16:45
Faraday the Blob – 17:15
Looking for Group – 17:45
Imagine This – 23:00
Sinfest – 28:15
