I won’t delay the inevitable; yes, the Webcomic Idol is the first and last thing on my mind this week (right after my impending nuptials, of course) and yes, I will be talking about it for the next few weeks. However, I will be talking about the process that I, as a contestant, am going through and, should I feel the need to talk about the quality of each strip, I will offer thoughts on ALL strips, not just one.
Why the clarification of how I want to feature the contestants? Well, it’s the opinion of some other pundits of the biz that the critiques of the strips involved in the contest should come in weekly, one-strip doses, leaving out the good/bad of the other strips and tossing a clear biased wrench into the works of the whole system. Nowhere in the rules does it state that anyone, even the judges, is denied the freedom to say what they want about any of the contestants. However, outside of pointing fingers before I know where to lay blame, all I can do is do what I feel is right and let others worry about their own motivations.
Disparaging outlooks aside, there have been some other things going down lately that are worth mentioning: Continue reading →