Zoinks! and PC Weenies Expand and Re-Format

I LOVE Thanksgiving! It kills the site but I just can’t resist the food. Thanksgiving is especially good if your parents are divorced and they totally different cultures. The food was outstanding and I was so totally stuffed that I wasn’t able to eat again until Saturday at which point I went back for seconds. What kind of web comic celebrations for this of giving thanks did everyone come across? While you’re pondering that here is some news that’s just burning a hole on the bulletin board.

Zoinks! – I knew about this ahead of time and I still didn’t catch it for some reason. One of the best things to happen to web comics to happen since the examiner is taking a break and delaying it’s next issue until April of next year. Bill and company are taking a break to restructure things behind the scenes (in a good way, not to worry) and make necessary tweaks and improvements to the publication itself. This means no December or February issues with resumption of publishing with the April 2007 issue while annual subscriptions and pre-orders closed until January.

PC Weenies – It looks like Krishna is finally getting around to making some t-shirts. He’s following the tried and true method of taking pre-orders first and he needs a minimum of 50 orders from you. I took a look at the proposed shirt and it’s everything I hoped with a dash of hard to resist. When you go over to purchase a shirt via PayPal, specify the size you would like to purchase. Krishna will then know how many and what sizes to order. When ordering more then one e-mail with the number of T-shirts and sizes for reduced shipping costs.


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