These Webcomics have CHANGED! Five great comics already using Jason Brubaker’s approach

It is the end of the world (as we know it) for webcomics.

Over the past few years, the Digital Strips podcast has highlighted time and again how the way we interact with, discover, and read webcomics has changed. And now, it seems others are listening as well! Jason Brubaker’s (reMIND, Sithrahrecent YouTube manifesto on the changes and challenges to webcomics has been making the rounds, so we’ve gathered here five of the best webcomics (and their creators) that have already embraced the five elements of change Brubaker highlights in his video. Continue reading


Digital Strips Podcast 325 – reMINDer: Catch Up With An Awesome Comic

Garfield loves lasagnaJason shows just how little he and Garfield the Cat have in common and Steve gets schooled in comic book trivia. Also, webcomics.

Whatcha’ Been Readin’:

Other things we like, and news (or news outlets, as the case may be; Gary, let us know if you’d like to form a partnership or something):

Donkey Kong has received a lot of break music love lately, but why not give the Game Boy iterations a proper spotlight? “Banananaz” by Chiwalker (15:15) fits that bill nicely.

It’s good to take some time to catch up with great comics that have fallen off our radar, and reMIND by Jason Brubaker (19:35) is certainly a story worth experiencing. Multiple times. He creates a world that is both familiar and fantastical, bringing with it a sense of wonder and nostalgia. The story is scheduled to wrap up in October, so do yourself a favor, take an hour or so, and catch up with us.

Also, Steve thinks the hero’s body type is like that of Kilo Monster from Monster’s Garden (23:30). He’s not completely wrong.

For those interested in less comic-related topics, Jason finds yet another reason to hate Kid Rock, we wonder how many people AREN’T watching Strip Search, and yes, Steve stopped in the middle of a discussion about comics to relate a story about his son’s poop. Enjoy!
