DS 660: Brothers Bond

An x-ray image of lungs and the heart

Yoshi did a bad thing and his self-imposed exile from the birthright of his kingdom will lead to horrible consequences for pretty much everyone he knows in Brothers Bond. But when you’re rich and famous, you can run away whenever you want and everything will end up ok, right? Right? Hear our divided thoughts on the tropes at play in this fun tale (as well as a bonus story from Jason about the time he ran away from home) and then read it for yourself!


DS 659: Frankie Fearless

Peter Griffin from Family Guy talks on the local news about what Grinds His Gears

This episode is full of non-standard and more modern ways of reading comics. We check in on Evan Dahm’s first foray into Webtoons with his reposting of Vattu, DC Comics’ first Webtoon in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, and Scott Kurtz gets a double exposure as we look at his short collaboration on Superman with Karl Kerschl as well as the comic that has temporarily taken the place of PvP, the cathartic Mort. Even after all of that, we still have time to get weird and geeky with Frankie Fearless, available only on Tinyview!


DS 658: Awful Hospital

A disgusting, troubling scene from Jonathan Wojcik's Awful Hospital.

Jason took a quick look at Marvel’s stab at a Webtoons-formatted comic with a couple of their Infinity Comics, where he found mixed success with the layout but plenty of entertainment value. The guys also review Awful Hospital, a fan’s choice-based comic that is truly awful in the best ways possible. Jonathan Wojcik has weaved an Alice in Wonderland-like tale through a slimy, grimy looking glass that never ceases to amaze and terrify in equal measure.


DS 657: By The Book

We’ve all been there: school is going okay, but it could be better. Your friends have your back and everything is looking up, even though your mentor is haunted by thugs who want him dead. Then, he’s murdered and the whole town, school included, is razed to the ground. So you befriend a simple bugbear and set out to find the truth. Right? Creator Kanekuo takes that premise and crafts a unique, detailed world in By The Book. Catch up with it while it’s relatively young and listen to our scorching take.


DS 656: Hooves of Death

Though zombie fiction continues to be an over-saturated portion of the entertainment industry, Hooves of Death by Sam Bragg is the first one we can think of that introduces unicorns and other fantastical being into the mix. There are relationships, there are betrayals, and there are horsemen of the apocalypse who apparently got lost on the way home. Hear our thoughts on this fun, harrowing tale and then be sure to check it out on Webtoons for yourself!

Editors’s note: We erroneously misgendered Sam in this show and we are sincerely sorry for the error. Sam is a female creator and our error in stating otherwise is a regrettable one.
