Episode 431: The World Weird Web of Wonderful Worldness

Snow plows stuck on one another in Richmond, VA during Winter Storm JonasDo you watch television, cordcutter or no? Do you enjoy video games? If the answer to both of those questions is no, you can probably skip the first segment, where Steve and Jason talk about Darkest Dungeon, The Grinder, Telenovela, and the battle between vocal powerhouses Kristen Chenoweth and Josh Groban. Come back for the second segment though, for a chat about Emily Carroll’s newest creepfest, Star Wars: Episode 7.5, It’s The Tie, and Cassiopeia Quinn. Stick around after the outro for some real talk about snow plows and how they are ruining the American family.


Episode 430: The 57th Annual Digital Strippies

Hands clapping, saying congratulationsIt’s that time again! Time to take a look back at nearly every comic we digitally stripped in 2015 and determine which were our favorites. It’s a great discussion full of comics you might have missed in the past year, all contained in the second segment after Jason and Steve run down their thoughts on the new Cloverfield movie in the first. Who will be number one? Well you all are, in our hearts.


Episode 429: Dream That Dream, You Beautiful Dreamer

Open World RPG on KickstarterWe promise never to talk about Kickstarter again … if you just indulge us with this first segment dedicated almost solely to a Kickstarter. But this one’s got everything! Empty promises! Impossible goals! Lying! Deceit! And dreaming! Oh, the dreaming. Once the guys come down from that high, the second segment brings some older but great comics to check out, like Trailer Park Warlock and My Blacks Don’t Match, as well as a newer homage comic for the Demon’s/Dark Souls series of games. Enjoy and may the Farce be with you.


Episode 428: Chewie Is Dead … Inside

Sad ChewbaccaLTTP as per usual, but Jason and Steve finally lay down their thoughts about The Force Awakens. Did it live up to the hype? Is Poe Dameron really that good? Could Chewbacca be more dead inside? Must we give Rey so much pause to reflect and grow and learn? The answers await you in the first, extra-long segment! In the second, now shorter segment, comics rule the day, with chatter about He Is a Good Boy, Thunderpaw, Space Case, ShootAround, Never Satisfied, Delilah Dirk, and some freaky Korean webcomic. Now let’s find the tiny but fatal flaw in this whole thing and blow it to smithereens!


Episode 427: I’m A Steve

Steve HarveyOn the docket for the first segment: Star Wars, Fuller House nostalgia boners, and Christmas memories! Or it would have been, if it wasn’t completely consumed with Steve Harvey chatter. That’s what you get for posting the show a few days late, huh? Ah well, the second segment makes up for it with talk about some comics, like The Glass Scientists, Necropolis, and Never Satisfied. Return after the brief outro to find out why Jason only goes for purposeful nudity and how Steve must have some unusual methods for getting his dishes clean. Merry New Year!
