WCCAS: Still A Joke? ~OR~ Forget The Time Of Month, It’s That Time Of YEAR!

First things first: I would be remiss in my duties as a writing contributor who also blogs on the side while reporting (official title – tentative) if I didn’t first link the main content of this entry. So here they are: your 2007 WCCA Nominees (whether you like them or not)!

If you’re in webcomics or you simply READ webcomics, you’ve seen this list, made your mind up as to who should win, who WILL win, and who shouldn’t even be on the list to begin with (Howard Taylor’s artwork on Starslip? O-V-E-Rated). Still, I love’s me some fiery debate, what some might even call drama, and so this little gem over at Fleen caught my eye. While most stories on the Fleen archives garner, on average, three-to-five comments each, some amass well over forty, usually due to the aforementioned debate breaking out. And lo! The god Kurtz doth bow down from his mighty mountain to deign what is right and righteous! Behold!

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I Want To Be A Weenie!

What’s the average age of a web comic? 1 year? 2? Perhaps 100 strips? We get a lot of people telling us about those. What about 7.5 years and 1000 strips? I’m pretty sure that makes you damn near eternal. That’s exactly what PC Weenies is. Krishna M. Sadasivam has been doing his strip so long we all take it for granted he’s been around since the dawn of web comics. The only complaint I have s doesn’t update enough. I mean only 1000 strips? There should be 3015 strips in that archive for me to spend the rest of my life reading and falling out of my chair laughing.

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Vericon verbiage

I dropped by Vericon, a sci-fi/fantasy/gaming/anime con at Harvard this weekend, to check out their awesome webcomics panel: R Stevens (Diesel Sweeties), Shaenon Garrity (Smithson,Narbonic), Jeff Rowland (Wigu, Overcompensating), and Paul Southworth (Ugly Hill).

The mood was informal, and the panelists spent most of their time parrying questions from the audience, ranging from queries about specific characters to general questions about the creative process. This last question led to an interesting comparison among the four. “I write a lot of stuff down on receipts as I walk around,” said Stevens. “I doodle it all out in rough stick figures and play this weird thing on the computer. I keep getting faster computers and I keep getting faster at Photoshop.”

“I caght him once with headphones on and it was like he was playing piano,” said Rowland. Continue reading


Can I Have Some Peanut Butter With That Jam

What’s this, am I actually writing an opinion piece? The truth is I’ve been so buried restoring all the archives that I just haven’t had the time to do more then just report the news, but it’s finally all over and now it’s time to step out into the light. About every other day the site is sent some news through the news submission link on the left hand side. I highly encourage this as the Inbox tends to be only looked at by myself and we all know how dependable I am. Anyways I was looking through what was posted and found something called the Global Comic Jam. For some reason beyond me I didn’t give it a second thought.
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Don’t Blame the Web, Blame Grandma!

I was cruising Comixpedia this morning and as usual, Xerexes had a link to an article about Web comics, which had links in it to other articles about Web comics and before I knew it an hour was gone. The sacrifices I make for you people.

Anyway, the main article that started my decent into another wasted day at work was by Justin Fox, the economy columnist for Time Magazine. He didn't seem to be much of a Web comic aficionado himself but offered some insight as to what effect Web comics could have on the traditional newspaper economically. In short: bad things.

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DS 106: Review of Breakfast of the Gods

Digital Strips Show 106
Digital Strips : Show 106
[8.51 MB]
Phil actually managed to pick a good strip. All three of us couldn’t help but completely over-analyze this strip and make completely random predictions. Also to make my life a living hell my laptop has decided to record a huge amount of ambient noise so loud you can’t hear Phil. I tried using noise removal but now it sounds like I’m in a cave. Hopefully you can ignore that annoyance to follow along with BOTG.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Breakfast of the Gods by Brendan Douglas Jones
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    DS 105: Review of Little Terrors

    Digital Strips Comic 42

    Digital Strips : Show 105
    [9.03 MB]
    Just think if I had waited just two more days this show would have marked exactly 2 years that the DS podcast has been podcasting. Considering my memory the only reason I even know that is because I just spent the last month restoring all the archives. Everything from the old posts, their comments, to the first 40 shows has been restored in all their glory. So sit back and listen to a double show. We give you a review AND an interview of Little Terrors.

    In this episode we talk about:

  • Little Terrors by Jon Scrivens
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    Why not webcomics?

    The post I wrote a few weeks ago about why webcomics aren’t included in best-of-the-year lists has sparked a discussion on the print side of the comics blogosphere about what people like and don’t like (mostly don’t like) about webcomics. Now, you can read this as a lot of bitching and moaning from people who don’t like webcomics anyway, but that would be wrong. Every one of these bloggers loves comics in all their forms and would love to like webcomics as well, but they see obstacles in their way. So I’m linking to these posts not to be negative but to provide some opportunities; the webcomicker who comes up with a better interface, like the inventor of the better mousetrap, may very well find the world beating a path to his or her door.

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