We have a winner! As announced on show 15 of the Digital Strips Podcast the big winner of our ‘We Love Web Comics Contest’ has been announced. The winner is Crash, the artist behind the web comic Cheshire Grin. Crash was selected during a random drawing of all the entries we received which we did live on show 15. The winning entry is posted on the front page of our site and will remain there throughout all the posts of everyone else’s entry. That should take about a month.

Crash will be receiving a big pile of printed web comic books worth over $120.00. You can see all the books being given away on our contest page. Congratulations go to Crash and make sure you all stop by Cheshire Grin to see the web comic this entry comes from.

We want to thank everyone who sent in an entry to the contest. You all helped to make this a big success. Crash’s entry will be posted on our front page all week and every other entry will get a blog post each day starting next week. A permanent contest entry page will go up next week as well, so everyone can see each other’s work. Thanks everyone!


DS 15: Review of Too Much Coffee Man, Alpha Shade, Medium Large, and Filibuster Cartoons

Digital Strips : Show 15 [13.6 MB]
Show 15 is now online and ready for your listening pleasure. In this episode we finally announce the winner of the ‘We Love Web Comics Contest’. A special post will be made declaring the winner and showing off the winning comic submission later on. If you want to know who it is right now though, you can listen to this show.

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Podcast delayed

This is where everyone gets to send me flaming emails. Due to my real life the May 2nd podcast is going to be delayed until tomorrow night instead of tomorrow morning. Be sure to catch it as we will be annoucing the winner of the “We Love Webcomics Contest” as promised. We had many more entries then I expected and they were quite hysterical.
