Help Name Lucas Turnbloom’s Adorable New Character

Help Lucas Turnbloom name this adorable new characterInvolving the audience in the making of a comic has long been a method of involving them on a more personal level with the stories that they enjoy reading. Scenes From a Multiverse has been doing that since it started, asking the readers to vote on which universe gets a stay of execution and which will float away into the ether, (likely) never to return again.

Well now it’s time to throw on those thinking caps and help Lucas Turnbloom give life to his newest creation, a cute panda bear birthed of the Build-A-Bear Workshop in lieu of main character Clovis’ recent disappearance.

The prize up for grabs is a signed copy of the newest Imagine This collection, “Toys in the Attic”, which debuts at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. Get to thinkin’ and get to writin’, the deadline for the contest is midnight next Wednesday. Full contest details can be found in this handy post.


Digital Strips Episode 232 – Review – RatFist w/ Guest Co-Host Lucas Turnbloom

The good thing about doing only largely positive critiques is that our address book is full to bursting with names of enormously talented creators who are extremely eager to chat about the world of comics on the Internet. This week, I dialed up Lucas Turnbloom, the man who has crafted memorable, whimsical characters for Imagine This and 4G. And, according to our chat, it sounds like he has at least approximately 32, 458 more ideas bouncing around in his head.

… nope, make that 32, 459.

But before we explore these ideas, there are some news items, some Herdy Gerdy, if you will (and you will, at least until Steve gets back and tells me we can’t). Among the news items I’m cleaning up:

Once the business side is tended to, I take a few moments to ask Lucas about his beginnings in the biz, as well as his take on the convention-going side of being a responsible, responsive comics creator. We also delve into the divide between the new guard and the old, the differences that separate traditional creators from those who more readily embrace change and go with the Interflow. Sadly, we stop just short of solving the whole crisis. Ah well, maybe next time.

During our chat, we mention the following comics:

Leading us between segments is none other than Lucas’ own brother, whose band, Mrs. Magician, has a new 7″ dropping on March 1. This song, “The Spells” (31:28), is one of two songs on that record, so enjoy it more than once and stop by the band’s site to pre-order your copy to have forever and ever.

On the other side, Lucas and I peek into the shallow but rich waters of a comic that has blown up across the Web these last few weeks:

Also mentioned:

Like Molly and the Bear before it, this comic comes to us from one of the aforementioned old guard, or at least, older guard, a man whose portfolio more than speaks for itself. With credentials this solid, it’s hard to really critique the work before us, but with coloring this horrid and a story this agonizingly trite, you have to say something.

No, not really. This is a great start to yet another exciting comic, and it’s on the web, so it’s free! You can’t ask for more than that, but we’re also throwing in some conversation about that very comic, also, for free. All because we love our Digital Strippers.


Tweet Thread of the Day ~FOR~ Friday, June 11, 2010

Let’s finish off the week in TTotD with a plug for a true friend of Digital Strips, Lucas Turnbloom. Not only is the 2nd collection of Imagine This, “Dewey Defeats Truman”, ready, but a second, all-ages book that appears to feature many of the bears from IT, will also be releasing soon, both by the end of July.

RobertThePlant FINALLY, Details on my 2 new books: 3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Check the article out and you’ll also find the announcement that he is working on a new webcomic for one of the stars of the former NBC show, Heroes. I doubt any of the stars had much to do with the fact that the show bombed creatively after the first season, so hopefully this is only the start of another great work from Lucas.
