DS 622: 2020 Was a Delight (for Webcomics)!

Before greeting 2021 with (mostly) open arms, we look back to an amazing year in webcomics. We remember great works like Realm of Owls, Under the Lion, Extra Fabulous Comics, Ten Earth Shattering Blows, Plum, Live With Yourself, Scurry, Knucklejelly, Urban Animal, Patrik the Vampire, Alice and the Nightmare, Lunar Baboon, and many others. Celebrate with us before we permanently put that garbage fire of a year in the rear view.


DS 593: No One Picks On My Werewolf Brother But Me

After Jason lays out his reboot of Old Yeller (the twist is that the dog shoots his owner), it’s time to travel to the fun, fanciful, and frightening world of Knucklejelly! Creator Benjamin Hall has weaved together a story of both heartache and adventure, full of monsters and … well, more monsters. Though it’s a comic that would probably be better served outside the restrictive confines of the Webtoons platform, it’s got a charm and joy all to itself that comes through no matter where you read it. Make sure that you do!
