DS 622: 2020 Was a Delight (for Webcomics)!

Before greeting 2021 with (mostly) open arms, we look back to an amazing year in webcomics. We remember great works like Realm of Owls, Under the Lion, Extra Fabulous Comics, Ten Earth Shattering Blows, Plum, Live With Yourself, Scurry, Knucklejelly, Urban Animal, Patrik the Vampire, Alice and the Nightmare, Lunar Baboon, and many others. Celebrate with us before we permanently put that garbage fire of a year in the rear view.


DS 614: Agents of the Realm

Zordon rests on a bed of crystals

If there’s one thing you think of when you hear a podcast by two cis white men, it’s magical girls. But dang it, those are some captivating, fun stories to read and Mildred Louis’ Agents of the Realm is a great take on the genre, featuring minority characters and fashion that brings a tear to Jason’s eye. You’ll fall in love with these girls and root them on while reminiscing about your college days at the same time.
