Today I Learned (Nothing) Episode 42: Utah Hot

Swimmers enjoy the natural Utah hot springsHow hot has Seattle been? So hot that children are fighting on futons! So hot that it’s more like Utah hot. It’s got Steve in his perpetual state of percolating rage. Jason, meanwhile, has issues with dropping chocolate on his office chair (yes, it’s chocolate) and the magical clean-up that never takes place. Alien chairs? You be the judge! Also, why can’t you take Asians camping? The guys file their report.


Tweet Thread of the Day ~FOR~ Thursday, June 24, 2010

KC Green, like everybody else in the world, decided to try and get himself a fancy new iPhone 4 (despite the issues that people seem to be having with the miraculous device). The following thread is an account of this experience:

choadmalma i went out to get a new iphone but instead they gave me 4 chocolate bars wrapped together. #andiatethem#chomp 23 minutes ago via TweetDeck

so instead I went for a mac mini and that turned out to be a block of cheese! 21 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Then I realized I was at the grocery store. What a day! #phew 21 minutes ago via TweetDeck – okay finally! I got the new iphone! How do I dial out? 5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Yeah, I could see the confusion. Also, just as tasty as Apple hardware.
