Episode 376: Debonairness … For Ladies (Review feat. Jumping Boy)

Miss Universe contestant as a TransformerSure, we feature our take on the tired format of American pageants, but we have too much webcomics talk (yes, webcomics!) in this episode to focus on frivolous topics. Jason caught up with Gun Show and checked out Expecting to Fly, while Steve recommends Happy Jar and Lake Gary. After a bit of news involving Jason Shiga’s Demon and The Legend of Bill, we leap right into a review of Jumping Boy. We’re bounding about with joy, so slap on your magic goggles and join us!

The midshow music is provided by Ryan Hemsworth.


Tweet Thread of the Day ~FOR~ Monday, July 5, 2010

Two great stories ended over the weekend, so it is now decided that two more must take their place! And preferably by the same creators, as both Evan Dahm and KC Green are more than welcome on my RSS feed any day.

Choadmalma Almost a year later, I give you the finale. Anime Club part 5 http://bit.ly/blEoHH 11:52 AM Jul 5th via TweetDeck

Also my buddy @evndahm ended his comic Order of Tales today. It is top-notch and I will be reading it today http://rice-boy.com/ as should u about 21 hours ago via TweetDeck


Tweet Thread of the Day ~FOR~ Thursday, June 24, 2010

KC Green, like everybody else in the world, decided to try and get himself a fancy new iPhone 4 (despite the issues that people seem to be having with the miraculous device). The following thread is an account of this experience:

choadmalma i went out to get a new iphone but instead they gave me 4 chocolate bars wrapped together. #andiatethem#chomp 23 minutes ago via TweetDeck

so instead I went for a mac mini and that turned out to be a block of cheese! 21 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Then I realized I was at the grocery store. What a day! #phew 21 minutes ago via TweetDeck

http://twitpic.com/1zlf0q – okay finally! I got the new iphone! How do I dial out? 5 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Yeah, I could see the confusion. Also, just as tasty as Apple hardware.


Tweet Thread of the Day ~FOR~ Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Being nearly the last comic publisher to jump on the digital bandwagon (unless you count Zuda, which only gets a half-pass from me considering they still use Flash for their viewing model), DC Comics quietly released their app for the iPhone and iTouch this morning. Twitter followers quickly leached onto this and retweeted the news into oblivion:

comiXology DC Comics now available on our app and site and DC’s app! 17 minutes ago via TweetDeck Retweeted by DavidGallaher and 1 other

Making his first appearance on TTotD, KC Green lets us all know that we can now begin giving him our money so he can make the latest collection of his ridiculously amusing comic, Gun Show:

choadmalma Gunshow vol2 is basically ready to print. Preorder now http://gunshowcomic.com/vol2/ so we can finish the funding on this thing and print! 18 minutes ago via TweetDeck

No stranger to the list at this point, Paul Southworth has yet another project to tell us about, this time in the video game space:

Southworth Risk: Factions is out on XBLA today! I provided character inspiration and designed the logo! Come on, Riskies: BUY IT http://bit.ly/cNiWGb 15 minutes ago via Seesmic Web
